Elves Species in Dungeon World: The Hero Questors | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Elves are a demi-human race, with similar morphology to humanity. The primary exceptions are a slightly finer and more delicate bone structure, particularly within the facial features, which trend toward length and angularity, and their eyes, which dilate and constrict far more effectively than those of humans.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

As noted, the majority of elves have angular, pointed faces, large and expressive eyes, and extended ears which come to a sharp point at the tips. The lobes are rarely detached from the skin.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Elves are found throughout the known world, though their settlements are often located in remote and out-of-the way lands of great natural beauty but little economic potential.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves are able to see over much greater distances than humans, and possess a certain level of darkvision - though in the absence of all light, an elf is as at sea as any human being.
720 years
Average Height
6' 4" for males, 6' for females.
Related Ethnicities