Begild Character in Droswal | World Anvil


This article is about the deity in the Esperean Pantheon. For her life as a mortal human, see Begild of Kythelum.   Begild is a Patron of the South in Espere. She acquired the role in large part due to her efforts to unseat her predecessor, Dubain, which succeeded. She is the focus of the Begildan Church.   This article remains under construction.

Holy Books & Codes

The New Begildan Manifesto is the book the Begildan Church consults for instruction. Parts of it are by Begild, either as author or translator for an earlier work, from when she was only human. Other writings were added by her followers, to carry on the Esperean tradition of new religious texts being updated copies of old ones rather than wholesale original works.
Divine Classification
Patron Deity