Biofaerics Technology / Science in Drisenheim | World Anvil


Biofaerics are modular, temporary implants that can be crafted by a trained Artificer and placed on a prepared subject, typically the Artificer themselves. Unlike Elethian Magic or Divinomancy, biofaerics do not require any inherent talent, nor are they constrained by luck or divine favor. Rather, Biofaerics are a direct extension of the Artificer's knowledge and training, and use their subject's body as their power source. Unfortunately, the Faerstone required to create biofaerics is extraordinarily difficult to create, leading to a total monopoly being enforced by the Artificer guilds.   Physically, biofaerics are compact, metallic constructions that attach to their subject's body using pre-built anchor points and link into the subject's internal energy reserve to power themselves. Some biofaerics additionally connect to the subject's nervous system and can be directly controlled through the subject's mind, though this is inherently more difficult to create. Internally, Faerstone circuitry redirects the subject's inherent Eleth through complex circuitry that harnesses the power to the Artificer's will. Unfortunately, the power that can be harnessed is inherently limited to the subject's will and cannot be added to.   Externally, while biofaerics can be created nearly exclusively of Faerstone circuitry wired to the nervous system, only master artificers can create such works. Most artificers use metal, glass, and other assorted metal to anchor the Faerstone and promote the subject's Eleth to course through the biofaric. While not typically bulky, biofaerics are typically intentionally made to resemble that which they emulate to make the binding process easier; nothing precludes an Artificer from creating a vision enhancer as a subject's shoe, but drawing that form of Eleth from their shoe is far more difficult than from a pair of goggles.   When a biofaeric is initially attached, it requires mounting points that must be filled with strands of faerstone, typically leading into the nearest nerve cluster. This is an incredibly painful experience without an Elethian Mage to provide anasthetic, one that often must be repeated for each seperate biofaeric that must be mounted. When a biofaeric is removed, it is too dangerous to pull out the faerstone strands, leading to deep scars filled with golden filament left behind. Experienced artificers often have bodies covered in these scars.  


A biofaric consists of exactly one advantage (with potential enhancements or limitations), regardless of the point value. This advantage must be internally facing; a biofaric cannot launch a direct attack against another individual or otherwise exude energy. Most biofaerics will weight 1-10lbs, depending on their exact form and abilities, are easily identifiable as a biofaeric, and not practically concealable. Normally, biofaerics have no effective DR and are considered to have HP equal to 1/4th their point value, with an HT of 12. Biofaerics can be shaped into a piece of armor, and gain the associated DR benefit. Biofaerics can be targeted at a -2 penalty from the body part they are attached to.   A character can only have a total number of points granted by biofaerics equal to their Will + HT. For example, if a character wanted to wear a biofaeric granting Infravision [10] and another granting Discriminatory Hearing [15], they would need a Will + HT of at least 25. Creating the mounting points for a biofaeric takes four hours when performed by an experienced artifier; taking a biofaeric on or off from that point takes one minute.   Biofaerics do not require FP to activate, and cannot be turned off while mounted; they simply function. They are somewhat unpleasant to have active; a character cannot regain FP or emit any passive Eleth while any biofaerics are active, including sleeping. Elethian mages cannot draw upon Infused Fields while wearing biofaerics, either to regenerate Eleth points or for bonuses to spells.