Dreuvalk The Zolution Army Timeline
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The Zolution Army

Fight! A major multi-versal struggle!
Swebia took over his home world and empire from his brother. With his new found empire he can rest easy, or does he? With an entire Empire at his fingertips, Swebia ponders if ruling an entire empire was really that boring and wonders if he could use the spare war scraps and demonic energy to crate a machine akin to a giant infinity gauntlet. Problem is, he does it. Even more bad problem, the machine malfunctions! it's gravity setting was set to negative and instead of anti-gravity, the machine used it's vast array of demonic energy to increase until it reached an impossible amount so much that it's power formed a torus shape that spared itself but pulled other universes together, mostly the nearer ones. BAM! now the universe was out of whack and Swebia, fearing the worst, escaped on his ship to get out of there. The machine was so powerful it couldn't of been turned off. With this new world at hand. what would come of it? Friends? Enemies? No. at the fringe of chaos grew a speck of hope for the mess. THE ZOLUTION ARMY!

Before Emperor Bawbis

Before Emperor Bawbis, Swebia's Grandfather, and back into history.

  • -1000000 B.E.B.

    The Four Horsemen are made
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Four Horsemen, Pestilence, Famine, War and Death are made made by their matching gods in the form of rotten humans and will lead the destruction of the universe once the 13 trumpets signal.

    Additional timelines
  • -522000 B.E.B.

    The Tulpamancer is born
    Life, Career

    The First Human is made. Calagus Corazón, is made as a famous hero that befalls under the whims of the appearance of the Goddess of fertility and beauty, and in such was turned into an wooden puppet by her and is forced to create the physical appearance of every single living sapient being, if he was willing to marry her.

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  • -2453 B.E.B.

    Birth of Oxiin
    Life, Birth

    Oxiin, the proud general of his people is born.

  • -1637 B.E.B.

    Start of the Baw Family

    Dodoritch the Baw Create the Family of Baw the most famous Dreuvalk family in history

    More reading
    The Dreuvalk Empire
    Additional timelines
  • -396 B.E.B.

    11 Dimensions discovered with proof
    Discovery, Scientific

    King Alithi Baw's Science adviser, Baranthin the wise discovers existence of the 11th dimension and other dimensions inbetween. Baranthin is skeptically rewarded with a skepticism reward. Baranthin also describes how a sort of demonic energy could be the key to traveling between these dimensions.

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Before the collision!

The area in time after Bawbis and before The Abakhikhi-Bawbin Construct.

  • 17 A.E.B.

    The Planet "Zgraz" is settled
    Population Migration / Travel

    The future capital of Swebia's Pirate Empire is settled by various Space pirates, slaves and runaway criminals settle on a thick boggy and brumous atmosphere and regional towns are created there.

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  • 190 A.E.B.

    13 Bin

    Birth of Erebrus the Brute
    Life, Birth

    The most famous Staliki is born on his home planet.

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  • Unknown
    Birth of Zero
    Life, Birth

    Zero, the assassin is born somewhere between. ~200 A.E.B. and ~225 A.E.B.

  • 219 A.E.B.

    222 A.E.B.

    Birth of Bonix and Vlaze
    Life, Birth

    Bonix and Vlaze, two of the oldest of the Vertomic brothers are born.

  • 220 A.E.B.

    30 Wro 9:00

    Humanity is discovered by the Dreuvalk empire
    Discovery, Exploration

    A Dreuvalk Carrier patrolling unknown space finds the Voyager one spacecraft and decodes it and finds the location of Earth.

    More reading
    The Dreuvalk Empire
    Additional timelines
  • 220 A.E.B.

    30 Wro 11:00

    Birth of Drakkan and Swebia Bawbinson
    Life, Birth

    When Emperor Jahalkhi was listening to the news of the discovery of Humans, his wife and queen, Landessa gave birth to two children. First Drakkan and then Swebia.

    Additional timelines
  • 221 A.E.B.

    222 A.E.B.

    Birth of Crystal and 'Omega'.
    Life, Birth

    Crystal and Kenny Dragstar are born.

    More reading
    The Zolution Army
  • 222 A.E.B.

    23 Dro

    The Earth-Galactic council Territorial treaty is signed
    Political event

    The Galactic council gifts Humans with blueprints and models of 4th dimensional travel ships to replace slower than light, 3 dimensional ships. The council let's humans have a sizable uninhabited chunk of stars with planets teeming with non-sapient life, with the hopes that this will bring Earth into the Galactic council.

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  • 222 A.E.B.

    3 Wro
    228 A.E.B.

    1 Dun

    Mass Human migration
    Life, Relocation

    With Earth rapidly approaching 8 billion humans, Governments around the world fund Nasa and SpaceX in order to get Humans to recommended earth like planets to help with the problem of overcrowding and food shortages.

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  • 225 A.E.B.

    Birth of Zaiyon, Deagal and Zasper.
    Life, Birth

    The last three Vertomic Brothers are born.

    More reading
    The Zolution Army
  • 230 A.E.B.

    4 Wro
    230 A.E.B.

    7 Wro

    The Entaria incident
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The Planet Entaria which was slowly gaining a population of enthusiastic Humans were "accidentally attacked" by Dreuvalkan soldiers for the purpose that Entaria was meant to be a planet-wide military installation but they didn't know and the soldiers, were having to kill any Humans they see as they were "Trespassing" after the local government refused to let the soldiers onto the planet. This led to the Dreuvalk-Earth War

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  • 230 A.E.B.

    30 Wro
    234 A.E.B.

    15 Sla

    The Dreuvalk-Earth War
    Military action

    Several days after the Entaria Incident The Council, who was acting very protective of Earth as it may be a new member of the council, declared it an act of war along with the Earthling government who had, in the moment, banded together as the United Nations of Earth, a Government that would stay for the remainder of time.

    More reading
    The Dreuvalk-Earth War
    Additional timelines
  • 231 A.E.B.

    29 Wro
    235 A.E.B.

    30 Baw

    Swebia Bawbinson hides Human refugees
    Life, Milestone

    Swebia Bawbinson finds escaped Human prisoners in the woods of Dreuvalk and agreed to take them. he grew a special Friend (soon to be Father-Daughter) relationship with a Human child named Jessica who was very endearing to him and broke the propaganda that Humans are futile mindless newbies that want to expand everywhere. Rather than his extremist brother Drakkan Bawbinson.

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  • 235 A.E.B.

    1 Bin 11:00

    Drakkan Rats out Swebia
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Drakkan discovers the people Swebia had been hiding and pretended to want to keep it a secret then reported it to their father who alerted guards to protect the area. Swebia was told by the other refugees to bring Jessica due to her being the youngest and that they would escape on their own. Just as Swebia gathered Jessica's belongings and ran out his window out into the Dreuvalk woods. at the time the U.N.E. had landed diplomats to discuss the peace treaty, but as Swebia ran out the U.N.E. Guards ran out and were able to catch up to the young Swebia and were able to yank away Jessica but Swebia made it out to an escape pod and with his mementos of Jessica and teary eyes, escaped out where he is to land far...far away.

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  • 235 A.E.B.

    1 Bin 12:00
    235 A.E.B.

    5 Son 07:00

    Peace is sorted
    Gathering / Conference

    A couple of years had passed at the end of the war and The U.N.E./Galactic Council won against the Dreuvalk Empire and The Dreuvalk had to be heavily humiliated, this angered Jahalkhi and his entire nation. Jahalkhi had to abdicate the throne a few years later due to being shamed as a bad successor to Bawbis the Great.

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  • 235 A.E.B.

    27 Dun

    Swebia works on Zgraz
    Life, Crime

    The former old settlements that laid on Zgraz had become bustling crime hot spots for smuggling and the such. Swebia had landed on Zgraz on his escape pod and roamed around the streets under the alias "Arabon Rodias" at the ripe age of 15. he had made amends with his loss of Jessica with tons of mind numbing alcohol and sadly, quickly gains an addiction to it as to drown out the screams. Other than that he worked as a courier to a local space gang called the "Zachuras", a moderate tough gang of drug smuggling outlaws who operate out of Zgraz. Swebia was able to meet the leader Zachura, a very tough alien who took no shit when it came to his money. Zachura gained a new liking to "Arabon" and Swebia quickly went up the ranks up to even Zachura's right hand man as they pushed out other drug gang lords in the area. Swebia wasn't content on this life and tried to figure a way to replace Zachura, never really liking the disgusting womanizer that he was.

    More reading
    Swebia Bawbinson
    Additional timelines
  • 237 A.E.B.

    1 Bin
    238 A.E.B.

    14 Baw

    Swebia unites the Pirates, smugglers and druglords on Zgraz
    Political event

    Swebia has always been a very charismatic figure and with a silver tongue or i some cases a silver sword, and in the case of a silver sword, had intentionally put Zachura in harms way in a shoot-out with a rival gang thus resulting in his death and after that was able to unite the back water planet and to squeeze a small budget to keep Zgraz rich and under the Council's Anti-Pirate force's radar. after that he expanded infrastructure and smaller Zgrazian populations to more peaceful planets to add to his burgeoning pirate republic. and with that was able to unite all of the criminals to his cause, via getting them into the army.

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  • 245 A.E.B.

    12 Sla 18:00
    246 A.E.B.

    16 Tai 12:00

    Swebia's victory. The reign of the new Emperor!
    Life, Milestone

    With the Battle of Dreuvalk over, Swebia crowned himself the king of the Dreuvalk Empire, and in a few years, life seemed to return to normal. The Dreuvalk people's lives returned to normal, the Empire experienced peace like never before, besides the occasional insult by the council. Swebia was still confused about the mysterious entity. It was like someone he knew but didn't. and a timeline where he lost to Drakkan? seemed possible maybe even the true timeline. This intrigued Swebia to the ideas of timelines, control and reality manipulation. This gave Swebia an idea he would forward to his scientists...

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  • 246 A.E.B.

    The Second Demonic invasion fuels Swebia's new plan!

    Another boring day in the galaxy was interrupted by a second Demonic invasion, twice as large as the last and even more ferocious, as it seemed to be lead by none other then a Chaos Lord who is known as "Drakhikhi" a semi-blind demon who was very large and posed a threat. Swebia brought the entire galaxy together to fight this new threat. The Demons seemed to of made two pin point entries into the material realm. One in space and one on the planet "Kalacktia". Swebia fought valiantly with his new personal weapon, a powerful grappling hook, infused with elemental powers. (Pyro, Hydro, Aero, Electro, Cryo, Geo, Necro, Bio, Abaco, Crystallo, Zoo, Cleido, Chao, Algamato, Metero, Botano, Techno,) This Hook can also spread it's powers to other weapons although very limited. Swebia alongside Erebrus, Tulpamancer and a squad of Swebia's soldiers fought Drakhikhi. Drakhikhi met his defeat when Swebia attacked Drakhikhi with the Crystallo elemental mod which gave Tulpamancer the means to use the crystals to suck Drakhihki's soul into the crystal and thus he was defeated, and with his defeat, most if not all of the demonic invasion was destroyed. Swebia used the influx of energy to unlock a new type of Thraliktik energy. ΩThraliktik Energy. It was miles better than the likes of other Energy and seemed to Swebia that this can be used to fuel his new creation.

    More reading
    Swebia Bawbinson
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After the collision

247 A.E.B. and beyond

  • 247 A.E.B.

    25 Son

    The Creation of Abakhikhi-Bawbin Construct
    Technological achievement

    Swebia had finally attained the energy needed to activate this machine hew has dubbed 'The Abakhikhi-Bawbin Construct' it was apparent that this machine could change things like time, space and reality and with this he could fix all problems. he could destroy dissent, bring back the ones he loved, and to inevitably rule the universe. But what Swebia didn't know, is that this action would kick start a whole new Universal Multiverse.

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  • 247 A.E.B.

    26 Son

    Swebia Creates a monstrosity...
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Swebia, had finally made the machine along thousands of engineers ans scientists, and with the flick of a switch...Bzzzzt Bzzzt The machine must be working....BZZZZRT WARNING WARNING...GRAVITATIONAL VALUE ::ERROR:: ::ERROR::Uh-oh...it seems that the machine malfunctioned. The gravitational power made a torus like construct of influence and brought other universes crashing into each other. The Torus shape prevented the home universe from collapsing in itself which really helped to avoid a catastrophe....It really did not matter, as this machine was so powerful it brought the multi-verse into itself, a feat not even gods could achieve, not that they would want to anyway. Now with this at hand, Swebia retreated into space in the U.S.P.R. Hydra. Now the universe just got a whole lot bigger.

    More reading
    Swebia Bawbinson
  • 247 A.E.B.

    1 Dun

    Swebia and Zaiyon meet for the first time...allies from another universe!
    Era beginning/end

    Several weeks after the collision, Swebia was patrolling his panicking empire on the Ship, Hydra. When suddenly a distress call from his home, Dreuvalk. What was happening was seemingly a threat from another universe, Swebia went to investigate and brought his arsenal of guns with him to his planet but most importantly, his own palace The Grand Royal Dreuvalk Palace. Swebia rushes over and drops to the palace in a drop pod and upon landing can see a sizable hole in the roof of the palace and hears commotion inside, the populace is concerned as they try to get any semblance of an explanation. Swebia sneaks inside to see a figure that doesn't seem of this world or galaxy, the figure seemed to be rampaging around the palace and unlucky for Swebia, this mysterious figure was working with an all too familiar character, too kill Swebia and level Dreuvalk. Swebia was not going to have any of this.

  • 247 A.E.B.

    26 Dun
    247 A.E.B.

    26 Dro

    Start of the Demonic Invasion Arc/Saga

    The Events of the first, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth chapter of the Zolution Army R.P. occur.

  • 247 A.E.B.

    18 Sla 12:00
    247 A.E.B.

    18 Sla 08:00

    Battle of Pandora
    Military action

    The battle of Pandora occurs, End of Demonic Invasion Saga

  • 247 A.E.B.


    The Mysterious "Antikytherium League" is formed

    The Antikytherium League of known as the "Anti-Zolution Army" founded, their mission statement? Protect the Multiverse from evil, how they accomplish this? None know, for now.

  • 247 A.E.B.

    18 Sin

    The Dreuvalk Civil War begins.
    Military action

    Ubteron, after years of advocating the overthrow of the Bawbin Family, finally gains enough support across the shaken Empire and declares a Civil war against Swebia Bawbinson's Dreuvalk Empire, and seeks to reform the government into a Democratic Republic. This causes Swebia's attendance in the Zolution Army to a total halt.

  • 247 A.E.B.

    1 Nal

    The Dreuvalk Civil War ends.
    Military action

    The gang, Swebia, Crystal, Metal and Vulpine stopped Ubteron Nachlickson, after seeing him become a chaotic cyborg, after he was defeated, the opposition fizzled out quickly.

  • Unknown, Around several months ahead of the previous Event.
    Events of The Blood God's Sonata occur.