The Planet Dreuvalk Geographic Location in Dreuvalk | World Anvil
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The Planet Dreuvalk

The Mainstay of this world

A Large Swampy Ecumenopolis which is the home planet of the Dreuvalki people and is the home of the the first political organization that became a galaxy-wide recognized political entity, The The Dreuvalk Empire.


A large planet a quite bit bigger than Earth is filled with lively river swamps and purple Algae and moss which cover the Planet and can be seen from space, except the areas where large cities can be seen hustling and bustling with intergalactic trade at beautiful purple shores and deltas.

Fauna & Flora

A Majority of Plant life on Dreuvalk posses a special purple type of chlorophyll that give them a purple color often giving the plant the nickname, "The Royal Planet". The lot of animals have seemed to evolve camouflage in order to blend into the purple landscape.
The Planet Dreuvalk cover

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