Session 80 Report in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 80

General Summary

The Ultimate Dragon Seal Gauntlet

In level 1, Declan feels the stairs warble a little before they settle into position. Let's test out these treadmills, aye? Rani makes it across with ease – looking ever the bit the dancer she is. Ghilani lays face down on the treadmill, allowing it to deposit his sand self on the other side. Everyone else makes it across A-okay and passes through the swirling teal door.  
  In the next level, the Deep End decides to AVOID the cannons. We can just slide down the other side of the pyramid, right? Those flowers look... punchy. Maybe we should avoid those as well. The Deep End sets down a set of stairs and wood blocks to climb up one side of the pyramid, a slide down the pyramid in the sand to a fan at the bottom and push them to a levitating platform. And of course, we have to treadmill launch ourselves into the door! What could possibly go wrong?  
  Rani went first, dancing down the other side of the pyramid, slightly missing the levitating platform, but managing to grab onto it and land without any grace whatsoever. Declan lost his balance and went sliding down fast first, flipping head over ass when he hit the fan, but Rani was there to haul him up and help him catch his balance. Ghilani followed shortly after in a similar fashion, with Declan catching him. Newt went last, looking a bit more graceful than those who went before. They all eye the flowers rocking back and forth, leafy fists raised and ready. Rani mimics their swaying as she passes. Blend in, right?  
  Standing on the next starting platform: Hey, do you think those glowing balls of light are friendly? Do you think I can just turn off that awfully inconveniently placed electric wall? The parents arrange themselves to help the children in the interim – congratulations Newt and Moira, welcome back to the kid's table! Rani says "Fly little bird, fly" and Ghilani books it. He stares in the eyes of the little yellow and green balls and they stare back with their big black eyes. Ghilani summons a blanket from his sand body and pushes himself out of the fan's levitation area. Almost at the door, he locks eyes with the last ball and it spits a radiant beam at him before he vanishes through the door.  
  Newt follows afterward, getting zapped with some electricity and summoning his tail to use like a propellor to get out of the levitation. Newt makes it across with relative ease, but hey... be careful, that platform's really cracking now. Rani and then Declan follow. Rani makes it fine, but Declan goes careening across the ice, but is caught by a wooden block suddenly appearing under his face.  
  Upon arriving in front of a massive tree with a coiled dragon, Ghilani immediately has a strong desire to go into the dragon's mouth. They carefully devise a way down and then construct their way across to the door. We should have tested the cannons in that earlier level. Declan attempts to summon stairs, but instead summons two large barrels. newt makes the run for the key, landing face first on the barrel, though he resists the call to climb on in. With the power of words, he compels the flower to cease its desire to punch... for now. Grabbing the key, he begins to make his way back, but finds the treadmill is now not in his favor... and falls into the aether. He then reappears at the start... without the key.  
  On the second pass, Newt successfully makes the key run with a little help from Declan. Newt then attempts to make it to the door, but slips through the cracks and lands on a platform below. Rani and Declan get to the platform above him and pull a rope from Rani's body, dropping it down so they can swing newt to the end. Newt soars right through, unlocking and passing through the door. After dodging dragon's breath (Ghilani sacrificing a bit of his sand body – noble) and slinging people into the door, everyone is able to make it, though Ghilani gets smacked by a spike along the way.


Get Lark in a Body STAT

You hear the soft, rhythmic sound of water lapping against a shore. As the light finally fades, you feel sand beneath your feet, but now you stand within a massive cavern supported by a multitude of towering sandstone pillars, crudely carved. They support a sandstone roof with various engravings. Portions of the ceiling have been cracks or perhaps purposely cut open to allow sand to flow through... traveling both down and up through the ceiling. Within the flowing grains of sand, you see a bit of canvas, a carved bit of statue, and the glitter of jewelry and gems. In the center of the cavern, there stands a sandstone temple adorned with desert flora and covered in tapestries, paintings, murals – all in a vibrant array of colors.   The Locusts immediately swarm and dance, the buzzing shifting to sound akin to a foreign melody. They swirl around the cavern for a moment before moving to the Temple, passing through an open doorway.
Entering the Temple of Lark, the interior is as colorful as the exterior, with blobs of color – resembling strokes or a drop of paint – that briefly coalesce into humanoid form to add a bit of paint here and there or to admire a piece of artwork: Was that there before? What a delightful addition! Their colors seem to shift and change as they flit down hallways that your brain registers as there... yet can't quite place. Everything about this place seems... abstract.  
  Rani calls out to Lark, but gets no immediate response. The group decides to explore the Temple as they look for art supplies. As they move through the halls (did we take a left or right... now we're on the ceiling? Wait, no we're not), Newt pauses as he takes note of a dark hallway. Just at the edge of his vision, obscured by heavy darkness and dust, he seems something hanging. So like you to find the dark hallway, Newt! As the group progresses down the hallway, none of the colored figures seem to move through here, sticking to the colorful, vibrant, hallways nearby. Declan rejoins them, dragging a portrait of Therarask with him. It was the best he could find.  
Moving down the darkened hallway, it appears to be an old tapestry hanging at the end. Although it has begun to fray, the image that it depicts has been preserved:  
A wedding scene is depicted between a half-elf man and a woman in Bhediya garments. Two swords hang from her hips as her hands are placed in his. Standing between them is a silver-haired woman donning robes adorned with gold trinkets and a silver moon medallion around her neck. A proud figure with slicked back shoulder length blond hair and warm eyes smiles fondly, dressed in a crisp orange tunic lined with gold. And another figure with dark skin, deep maroon hair, and adorned in colorful jewelry surrounded by swirls of gold and teal stands with a locust on his shoulder.
Why is this here in a dark hallway? Newt immediately begins to look around for secret entrances or anything suspicious in the sandstone walls – that seem fully tangible... for now. Ghilani immediately sizes up how large it is and whether or not they can just grab it and move it. Rani immediately notes that the two people getting married must be Kostas and Soyolmaa, with Dysis overseeing the ceremony. The figure behind Kostas appears to have symbolism of Judas emblazoned in the golden threads of his orange tunic. Although the locusts have left and swarmed the Temple, the bees remain and are overcome with a level of sorrow. Alhaya flies to the tapestry, circling the locust on the dark-skinned figures shoulder before flying to the silver haired priestess, where she sits on her shoulder.  
  Does the tapestry strike up any memories for you? Moira's passenger steps forward. It is familiar, but it is distant. I know her. Using Moira's hand, the Dread King's lingers of the silver-haired woman before drifting to the figure of Judas, down to Kostas, and then to Soyolmaa before its hand drops away and Moira returns. It offers no other information or indication that it had remembered anything.  
  The colorful figures have gathered at the end of the hallway, well outside the reach of the darkness, but still in full view. No, they don't go down there. Lark doesn't destroy art, but the hallway is quite the oddity. It's not just bad emotions... there's something heavy and smothering, repressive towards creativity. They believe it has to do with Lark. Oh? If you wish to speak with him, you simply must wish to! Really? Rani immediately wishes that they could all go speak with Lark.  
  Blinking, the Deep End stands in a circular chamber with an open ceiling and multiple archways that reveal various portions of the Sea of Moving Art or perhaps the Temple itself. In the middle of the room, is a swirling mass of gold and teal with locusts dancing around it. Lark – taking no humanoid features – welcomed them: congratulations for making it here! To Rani, he remarked that she has been delightful to watch. Not sure why the locusts went to you, but who am I to stop them? When Rani asked about the tapestry, Lark had no recollection of a wedding and tried to brush it off. When pressed, he mentioned that he is not fond of it. Aren't you supposed to engage with the unknown? Aren't you supposed to engage with what makes you uncomfortable? No, you see, I've found that we need to ascend to a higher level of thinking... more to the abstract. That thing makes me feel weighted and tied down... in a repressive, uninspiring way.  
  Rani, watching as Lark began to rise to the ceiling, issued a challenge. If they go to Akeldama - Oh, well I can't go. No, not you – us, The Deep End. Oh, well excellent! Then yes, please do go. If we free her and the Laurels then you will welcome this art piece, this tapestry, back into your gallery in true. A ripple passed through the cloud of golden color and Lark simply "Hmm'd" before ascending through the ceiling and vanishing. Rani simply wished to see Lark again. Everyone blinked, and the golden swirl was there. Hello again! Declan would really like to borrow that.  
  Oh, Zephus? Well, he's my grandson! We spoke, yes, but he needed some time to think. Completely understandable. His father – my son – was terrible, truly. I have many grandchildren through him. Thankfully, he has since passed – though may he rest in peace, of course. And I do care about him as I do care about my daughters. You may call it a gilded cage, but if I could have lifted her curse, I would have. This is not the ideal life I envisioned for the Laurels. When asked about what cursed her, Lark immediately said that it certainly wasn't he. And then mused that Akeldama was mortal once, he believes.  
  Why are you so determined to "ascends"? Into the abstract? Declan presses. Emotions are weighting. I find that if you remove yourself from the rules and restrictions of the world and allow yourself to drift... you can find ideas and boundless concepts waiting for you. Unlimited and unrestricted! Declan, Newt, and Rani all press Lark. Is it not better to be grounded in some way? To feel the emotions? Lark "Hms" again as he ascends through the ceiling. Rani attempts to follow, but loses the god in the swirling space of color. Ugh, let's go find Zephus. We need to get Lark to take a body, PRONTO.  
  Wishing to find Zephus, the Deep End find the air genasi boy sitting near a fountain in what appears to be a courtyard. Zephus comments "nice fall" to Newt. How'd your conversation with Lark go? Kind of weird to talk to a floating swirl of color, but guess I know my heritage now. It's kind of... vindicating that my father was a piece of trash and that he's, you know, no longer breathing. And it's kind of satisfying to know that the thing I was berated for – that marked me as an outcast – were remnants of the divine. But either way, what good does this do? It's not like he gains much of a family from having a god for a grandfather. The entire group then immediately says you'll always have a family with us. When this is said and done, if you want, you'll always have a home with me, Newt offers. And Rani says the Bhediya will always welcome. You could even come to home tree! If Ghilani had a house, he would offer it. You know what he can do though? Wish that he has scales too! And wish he does.  
  Hey, by the way, do you think you could get Lark to take a body? You know that dragon thing you did in Varoona? You forced Lark into a body. Zephus considers it... yeah, he can try at least. Do you have a body to put him in? One that Lark resonates with? How convenient! We JUST saw a tapestry. Going to the tapestry, Ghilani wills a replica to form. Okay then, let's go ground a god.  
  Returning to see Lark, the floating swirl greets them, blissfully unaware to what is going to happen. Zephus begins to pull from the tapestry. Helped by the others (including Newt yelling, Rani calling on family, and Ghilani just fucking wishing real damn well), Lark is pulled – against his will kicking and screaming – into a body... of a dark-skinned man with maroon hair adorned in copious amounts of colorful jewelry. For a moment, he is adorned with an array of colors before they all flash red, Lark's brows furrowing. UGH, this is terrible. What is this? UGH.  
  Why do you hate this form so much? Well, it's terrible. I feel as if I'm missing something. As if a terrible weight drags me down... as if I have forgotten something so crucially important. It claws at me and I cannot seem to remember or escape it. Presenting the tapestry once more, Lark does not remember the scene but... Judas. My brother... how he misses him dearly. You have a brother, yes? Did you ever present something to your sibling knowing in the back of your mind that it was terrible... and then having them cherish and brag about it regardless? And then suddenly, they are gone. I miss them terribly.  
  The Deep End explains that they have helped the other gods regain their memories. They can help Lark get his back. Find what happened to Judas? Perhaps then this is what my other brother would call fate. Perhaps that is why the locusts found you. If you promise to find what happened to my brother, then I shall assist. Lark drew forth armor and a spectral sword. Would you prefer better protection or a dancing companion of one of your swords? Rani selected the armor. I would also make you my Chosen. For what I can do, I will try.  
  Are you aware of the Muse's Paint? Hm, I can guess what it does based on the title. No one should be coerced into anything. Would you do anything if there were people draining a woman of her blood against her will? I cannot coerce people to believe something one way or another, but it is clearly wrong. She is... a blood witch? Lark seemed thoughtful. Do you know anything about the Purge? How it started? Lark thinks for a moment. It was so long ago. There were once many blood witches here. Everything was fine and then, like a blink, there were suddenly blood running through the streets. I did not compel my people to commit the crimes they did. Was it a higher power? It could have been, but mortals often have stronger convictions than you might think.  
  In an attempt to help, Lark moved to one of the archways in his chamber and waved his hand, but then his brows furrowed... Hm, that's odd. Although Lark seemed confused, not recognizing anything. Everyone else saw a black, warped 6-pronged star appear in the archway. A hand – incredibly cold – settled on Rani's shoulder. Speaking in that language, Rani asked if it could do anything. There must be a relatively large piece of it in the city. If it had more of itself, it might be able to assist.  
  Lark is confused and perplexed. They have been focused on the Sea of Moving Art and haven't been particularly concerned with looking at the city. He is not supportive of the use of a woman against her will. Seeing Lark not sure what to do with his body after that, Rani pulled him into a dance. It feels like the drifting does it not? He is not used to a form and wagers he will not be for a while, but he supposed it is not that far off. All of his gems go radiant white. If they are able to do what they promise, dare he say he feels hope.  
  Leaving Zephus to talk to Lark now in a body, the Deep End moves through the Temple. Rani finds a boy named Kamran. She had thought that perhaps he would be free of pain. Kamran smiled, despite the sorrowful blue color he seems happy. He has eons to explore other topics. Now, there is catharsis in being able to make art of such topics while not feeling them. Rani asked if he would like a message delivered to his loved ones. Tell them I am inspired, free of pain... and happy.  
  Declan finds a darkened hallway adorned with gold. An old wishing well sits at the end with art laid at its base... like offerings. Newt finds his way to the deck of a pirate ship. Entering the Captain's quarters, he finds a portrait of a young Thyron. He is grinning almost broadly and with a wicked glint in his eye. The tattoos on his chest are unfamiliar, one of which includes "Cheater Death: III" written on it. His arms are wrapped around a woman and a man. The woman looks vaguely like Janos Liderc. His grandmother perhaps? Newt nabs a pip and dips.  
  Ghilani feels draw outside and watches as a large piece spills out into the sand. A familiar well of colorful tiles, painted vases arranged around a golden grate. This well is not as deep and the inside appears to have been carved with hundreds of titles and numbers. The faint traces of blood appear to be the same as the Muses' paint: Savant Three. And the names: Ancient Two, and numbers paired with titles that do not match the blood witches you know. And... in a blank spot... a name seems to be in the process of being carved. Mama Ten nears her end.  
  Reuniting in the temple, Ghilani expresses a desire to go to Elios soon. Zephus joins them. The young air genasi thinks that maybe he can help by going back to the city – to be Lark's eyes perhaps? The city may not have loved me, but I know it and I love it. Newt could not fucking agree more. Zephus thinks that perhaps he will try and speak to Aerope, her aunt is Queen after all. And perhaps he will speak with his sister as one of them is almost always outside of the palace. Rani suggests sticking with Ezra for there are white masks present in the city.  
  Rani ducked back to speak to Lark one final time, giving him a hug. Can you tell me anything about Akeldama? What did she like? She loved her children. I still believe she does love the Laurels fiercely. It was so sudden when they began to disagree and then... he is certain that she hates him now, but he still loves her. She was and still is his wife. She was fond of snakes and... she enjoyed jewelry. He glances over the vast amount that he wears. Rani comments that she must have really loved him to have made so much so lovingly. Lark seems sorrowful for a moment. You can find her by sinking into the Sea of Moving Art and hoping or by finding someone cursed. There is someone cursed moving through the Sea. And, in honor of my late brother, good luck.   
  Leaving the Temple of Lark behind, the group plans to try and help Akeldama, return to Eredet to speak with Pekk, perhaps become blood hunters in true, and prepare to help Lark regain his missing memories.
Report Date
21 Apr 2023
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Temple of Lark Trial Maps



The Temple of Lark



Lark's Inner Chamber






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