Prof. Marcella Dunebrook Character in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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Prof. Marcella Dunebrook

The current frontrunner in the field of Wasteland Research at LIMA is a gnome woman by the name of Marcella Dunebrook. The daughter of a tinkerer and a historian, Marcella has merged their expertise into her current career and has already taken multiple leaps and bounds forward, surpassing her competitors with ease. Her most well-known contribution to the field was her development and deployment of her Miasma-Warding Device, which allowed her and a small, trusted team to travel within the Wasteland. Currently, she is in the processing of testing, refining, and finalizing the second version in the hopes of going beyond the old trading outpost just inside the borders of Judas.

As a researcher, Marcella is determined to unlock the secrets of the fall of the City of Fortune and the lost events of the Dread King's War... from the enemy's perspective. Her primary concerns are with archaeology and history more than magical practices. Widely regarded as a genius, Marcella is a whiz with contraptions and devices, and a brilliant mind capable of grasping incredibly complex concepts in a blink. However... she is not the best teacher and she prefers to avoid teaching at every chance. When forced to teach, she often delegates primarily to her teaching assistants or other higher-level students in her employ so that she can dedicate more time to her research.

  Almost incapable of leaving her work, she keeps incredibly long and late hours in her office. The small couch in the back is more of a bed than the one back in her small home just south of the north gate of the Heart of the Desert. She is incredibly well spoken, professional, poised, and – if you crack her shell – very passionate about topics that interest her. Beyond academic fields... Marcella has no idea how to act. It's been a moment.
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