Madame Hai Rong Character in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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Madame Hai Rong

From beneath the waves, a dark barnacle-covered ship emerges in a spray of water, salt, and brine. It's sails extend upward and in all directions from the main hull, giving it an eerie and odd appearance. Water spills from the deck and holes in her rotten hull.   From atop the deck, the eerie sound of a sea shanty echoes amidst the din of battle. Alone, there stood a woman. At first, she appears dressed in fine garbs with silken scarves around her neck. A chill cuts through the air as her visage of elegance morphs into one of decay. Her eyes sink into her skull as skin pulls taunt against her frame. The scarfs around her neck now appear skeletal... the eyes in the skulls filled with an eerie glow...  

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