Journal Entry #9 Prose in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Journal Entry #9

Juhd'Hon, 1000 YAR

Today, Judas took me on a tour of the city of Fortune. There is no reprieve from the sun – no mountains that restrict the suns raging heat. There is no place to hide. And the gold! The insufferable gold. I cannot write into words how there is simply too much of it. Even when I am in the few places where the sun’s rays cannot reach me, the gold reflects its light into my eye or scorches the skin of my arm.  
It is clear to me more than ever that I am a woman of moonlight, of the night breeze, and of the stars. I drift off to the land of dreams and prophecy in the few hours before the sun’s rise. Judas is a creature of the sun, of warmth, and of the light. He is meant to glitter and shine amidst these morning rays. It is too early for him to be so energetic.  
I find it hard to believe that we were in any way made for one another. He is the sun and I am the moon. He is gold and I silver. He has only ever known what it is like to be served and not to serve, but I have known the pains of servitude. He lives in the moment, which I am envious of for I am constantly plagued by the past, the present, and the future. It is not so simple as he makes it out to be.  
I long for Caliban’s guidance or Soyolmaa’s presence… for understanding and companionship.  
Yet, I would be remiss if I did not also write of what I saw in Judas today. He is loved of his people and I can see clear as day why. He does not care for race, appearance, or standing. He smiled at all who approached and greeted them warmly, as if they were each and every one a close or old friend. There was a moment – albeit brief – where I believed he was mortal…  
For the barest of a moment, I believed we were not so different.  
  Perhaps I shall cease these fruitless comparisons to Caliban, both god and land.  
Dysis Judas


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