Countess Rhea Valdove Character in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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Countess Rhea Valdove

Atop one of the walls of Port Oceana's Fort, a blue and teal tent has been constructed to provide shade for the regal-looking elven woman who sits underneath, surveying the chaos within her shipyard. Within the confines of the Fort-turned-regal-mansion, Countess Rhea Valdove reclines leisurely on a plush couch amidst the hustle and bustle of her serving staff. Countess Rhea Valdove is responsible for overseeing all affairs that occur within the Port and serves as the Port's official political representative.   Rhea is easy to anger and quite haughty, a front to hide how hurt she was by her father's "betrayal". High Lord Aedric Valdove favors the children of his second wife, two of whom spurn him at every turn. If her father will ignore her younger half-sisters' behavior... She will reward the party if they successfully undermine one or more of their reputations.   Moira agreed to Countess Rhea's request to undermine one of her younger half-sisters in exchange for keeping the creature's head.
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