Coopa of the Copper Dragon Clan Character in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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Coopa of the Copper Dragon Clan

Appearing from within the clutter of copper and sliding down the winding banister of his small oddities shop on the corner of Porcelain Avenue, is a relatively short, thin and wiry copper dragonborn teenager. Coopa is the owner of the store despite his age and is responsible for making every single one of the seemingly endless hoard of copper trinkets. His clothing is covered with small stains and singe marks here and there as proof of all his tinkering. He is a very eccentric and excitable individual that delights in sharing his trinkets - no matter how obscure or how useful - with anyone willing to enter his shop.   Known Dragon Clan Relationships. Red & Gold do not always get along with Copper... and Coopa may be a prime example of why. The regal bearing of Red and Gold does not always mesh well with the "childish" antics of Copper.
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