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Rosarium Tower

Rosarium Tower, officially known as Tornbury Building, is a high-rise building in The City of London, and the current headquarters of the Thorn Court. It is build on the same ground that was formerly the home for Chilgrave Castle, a historical castle dating back to the 12th century. The castle itself is long gone, but part of the ruins still remain on the ground floor of the Rosarium Tower. Some late night workers have sworn to have seen the ghosts of noble lords and ladies wandering in the now modern corridors of the Tower, but surely that cannot be more than just a hallucination of the overworked folks?

Purpose / Function

Rosarium Tower has been the headquarters of Thorn Court ever since its completion in 2002. The previous headquarters, also standing on the same spot, suffered extensive damage in an incident involving a radical group of Summer Courtiers and thus the new building was needed to house the Thorn Court. Not only does the Rosarium Tower house an excessive amount of offices, similar to those one could find in a mundane police headquarters, but also a banquet hall for knighting ceremonies. A rumour has it that somewhere below the surface floors the building also has holding cells for arcane criminals.


Rosarium Tower is a 20-storey building made mostly of glass, or at least that is how it seems to be. The architecture draws inspiration from Art Nouveau, something that might not be the first thing to be associated with a modern business building in the City of London. One of the most distinctive features of the building are the colorful rose windows in the entrance hall.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Rosarium, Tornbury Building
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

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Aug 5, 2022 14:38

Some late night workers have sworn to have seen the ghosts of noble lords and ladies wandering in the now modern corridors of the Tower, but surely that cannot be more than just a hallucination of the overworked folks?
  That quote sold me on the article and hard. The language, and the mention of the Thorn Court, are very evocative, and makes me imagine a fun mix of dreaming magic in modern trappings. It's a really interesting place and I would love to know more. :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Aug 27, 2022 15:41

Thank you for your kind words! I hope to expand the world, and hopefully even before the next Summer Camp! :D

Aug 9, 2022 01:36

Modern Day Fey courts? Yes please and thank you.

Aug 27, 2022 15:42

Never can get enough of them! <3