Wandslingers Organization in Dratora | World Anvil
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The Wandslingers were a dangerous coven of witches that originated in Jejune.
Their uniform consisted of large, wide-brimmed hats; light, poncho-style robes; loose, riveted leggings; and leather boots. Wandslingers would often be mounted, whether atop a broom, a horse, or another magical vehicle. Some even ride atop flying mounts, such as moth dragons.


The Wandslingers consider the sea to be evil, and make every effort to avoid it.

Technological Level

The Wandslingers were one of the first covens to create magical firearm foci once black powder weapons had started being produced.
Their alchemists specialised in magical alcoholic concoctions ranging from tinctures to magically-attuned beverages. These beverages are colloquially called Moonshine, a name intended to disguise their true nature whilst secretly honouring the celestial balance of the sun and the moon.


The Wandslingers performed rituals that used rhyming jaunty incantations that would be sung and sometimes danced to like a song.


Wandslingers were a branch of Malefica, and hence wore featly to a demonic patron.
The sacred time for ritual casting for the Wandslinger covens were either at the height of day or the dead of night, midnight or midday.

Granted Divine Powers

Wandslingers often wield fire magic.
Religious, Coven


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