Norac Exalipse Character in Dratora | World Anvil
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Norac Exalipse

Written by Spiritblade

Senimus Norac Exalipse

Norac is the Senimus of death and renewal. His plane of residence is the Mortura, though wherever there is life there is Norac close behind. When the first mortal organism, a plant spawned by Ari, died in the Cantas, Norac revealed himself as a collector of expended chi he called souls. His origins are unclear; some believe that the necessity of something after life brought life's counterpart into existence. Others believe that Norac was always there in the Void, a relic of something that came before, and was drawn to the rest of the Senima when he felt the fading of a life. Proposed descriptions of Norac vary, from a fleshed out man with a mysterious allure to a skeletal reaper without mercy. Dratoran scholars have settled on the most likely truth being that Norac was once a thin male humanoid with long, pointed ears, pale grey skin, green eyes, and black hair. This appearance is the most consistent with the rest of the Senima. However, after a battle against his fellow gods he is said to have been struck by flames fuelled by Gorav's own divine chi which left him permanently damaged. Scholars believe that after this event Norac's grey flesh, his eyes and ears and hair, were all incinerated, leaving only bone and a smoldering crater in his skull. in both descriptions he dons a mantle of shadows, but whereas before the battle he wore it as a billowing cape, he now wraps them around him as a shroud to hide his damaged form.
Lawful neutral
Circumstances of Birth
The circumstances of his origins are unknown. Some believe he spontaneously appeared as the counterpart to mortal life. Others believe he was already residing in the shadows of the Void long before he revenues himself, perhaps from even before Lilen.
Circumstances of Death
Immortal, and currently empowered.
Current Residence
The Mortura
Depicted as male
Once a piercing green, but now empty, smoldering eyes sockets.
Once thick, black hair covered his head, but now he has only a hairless skull.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Once he was covered in pale grey skin, like a preserved corpse, but since the attack against him he has no skin, only a skeletal body.

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