Devoted Missionary Physical / Metaphysical Law in Drakkenheim | World Anvil

Devoted Missionary

You are a follower of one of the many religions of the world. Through either divine calling, visions, or prophecies, or because your church sent you as an envoy and representative, or maybe because you are seeking divine answers, you have made the journey to Drakkenheim. What sacred purpose lies in the ruins that you are quested with uncovering?   Skill Proficiencies: Two of the following: History, Religion, Arcana, Nature   Equipment: A set of pale robes, a small chip of delerium encased in glass, a walking stick, an amulet with a symbol of your chosen god, a small book of religious text   Languages: Any two of your choice   Feature: Guided by Faith   A number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus, you may ask the Game Master to reveal the DC of any ability check you make before rolling the dice. You may then decide whether or not you wish to attempt the roll.   Variant Devoted Missionary: Stargazer   You witnessed the meteor 15 years ago. Whether you believe it to be destiny, a magical or divine calling, or just curiosity of the secrets that need to be unearthed, you are drawn to the crater. You believe that the crater holds some answers to the questions you seek, and that somewhere in Drakkenheim lies a truth beyond your comprehension. Your pilgrimage to Drakkenheim may have taken you weeks, months or even years but you had to come - something called you here and you must discover its origin   Missionary Life (1d8)
  1. I was on a quest of self-enlightenment.
  2. I ritualistically surround myself with lit candles and ancient texts when I rest.
  3. I had taken a vow of silence until the time that my voice was needed to fulfil my destiny.
  4. I was the caretaker of ancient relics of our faith and am quested with finding others.
  5. I am but a pilgrim hoping to find divine light in dark places in the world.
  6. I was guided to my faith by angels who rescued me from my dark past.
  7. I broke my vows to my faith and was exiled. I seek redemption.
  8. I must prove myself worthy to my faith and its purpose, no matter the amount of blood spilled or lives lost
Personality Trait (1d8)
  1. I empathize with those who do not follow the path of light. Creatures of all types can be brought back to the path of righteousness and are often suffering and in great pain.
  2. I believe in the words of my religion and quote its texts and scriptures as often as I can.
  3. I am tolerant (or intolerant) of other faiths and respect (or condemn) the worship of other gods.
  4. I have spent my life in a temple or church. Rough living wears on me quickly.
  5. I believe very strongly that everything will turn out okay, and nothing can shake my positive attitude.
  6. My faith kept me distant from others. I have very little experience with the world outside the church/temple/shrine.
  7. I have extremely strict etiquette and manners for interactions and tasks, and I refuse to stray from them.
  8. I am working on my thesis of religious ongoings in the world and excitedly discuss the nuances of these ideas with anyone and everyone.
Ideal (1d6)
  1. Logic. Emotions must not cloud our judgement on what is right or true. (Lawful)
  2. Self. My religious journey is that of discovering myself. If I can obtain that, there is nothing left to know. (Any)
  3. Charity. I will always help those in need, no matter the cost. (Good)
  4. Faith. The path laid out before me is determined by the divine entity I worship. I will follow its signs and patterns to fulfil my purpose. (Lawful)
  5. Power. The gods have granted me divine powers and I must use them to make those who do not worship as strongly as I see the divine light and understand that I am the one true speaker of my faith. (Chaotic)
  6. Peace. I do not like to be part of conflicts, rather a neutral voice of reason to all sides. (Neutral)
Bond (1d6)
  1. Nothing is more important than my church and what it represents.
  2. I joined my religion to hide from a past I would rather forget.
  3. The path to enlightenment is unending. I must stay the course.
  4. I will die if it means doing right by my religious beliefs.
  5. Everything I do is for the good of the common people.
  6. I seek to preserve the ancient texts and artefact of my religion.
Flaw (1d6)
  1. I judge others harshly and believe my path to be the one true path.
  2. I believe in the words of my religion so strongly that I follow them without question.
  3. The goal I have set for myself is my destiny, and I can not act against it or abandon it for any reason.
  4. My religion was meant to keep the dark thoughts at bay, but I find myself losing that battle and a blood thirst grows within me.
  5. This is my first taste of life outside my religion, and I enjoy its pleasures a little too much.
  6. The gods and my faith have determined that I am always correct as I speak on their behalf. There is no question in my mind that I speak the ultimate truths and any who do not agree are misguided fools.


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