Human in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Humans are ubiquitous on Ansalon. They ruled the continent’s largest empires before the Cataclysm, then were scattered during the devastation that followed. Many humans never resettled after the Cataclysm, joining itinerant and nomadic cultures. Human cities are few and usually small, developed around natural structures that sheltered communities following the Cataclysm.   As a human, you might hail from any corner of Krynn. Below are just a few of the distinct human nations of Ansalon. You might be a member of any of these societies, or you can choose another home to define as you please.  


Several peaceful communities dot the Abanasinia region, including Solace, a village built among the branches of towering Vallenwood trees. In recent years, the theocratic Seekers have risen to power in the region. This power-hungry religion controls the city of Haven and surrounding settlements in the name of vague, fickle deities who condemn the use of magic.   The broad plains of the northern Abanasinian peninsula are home to nomadic humans known as Plainsfolk. Divided into several tribes with territories across the region, Plainsfolk are skilled warriors, traders, and collectors of stories that predate the Cataclysm.  

Northern and Southern Ergoth

The Cataclysm split the land of Ergoth in two, dividing the remnants of the human empire that once ruled there. On Northern Ergoth, scattered communities claim to be inheritors of the fallen Empire of Ergoth and dwell among the remnants of its cities and fortresses. These Ergothians enjoy a prosperous peace with the kender enclave of Hylo and the goblins of the arid southern lands, with whom they share their island. Fewer humans make their home on Southern Ergoth, living primarily along the coast and avoiding dangerous groups of ogres and giants.  


Once a mighty empire, Solamnia has fallen from the glory it knew. Though Solamnia remains one of the largest and most prosperous nations on the continent, its provinces are self-concerned and prone to squabbling. The land’s once-legendary defenders, the Knights of Solamnia, are much diminished in numbers. Nevertheless, the knights still stand as defenders of the innocent and paragons of honor.  


After the Cataclysm, the verdant plains of southern Ansalon wasted away, becoming the Plains of Dust. Coastlines shifted, and the city of Tarsis found itself a seaport without a sea. In the dry harbor, decrepit remnants of the city’s famed ships list on waves of sand. The rest of the city clings to life as a trade hub for small communities and itinerant bands across the plains. Those who dwell here have adapted their ancestors’ seafaring ways to their current arid environment, becoming hunters, scavengers, and traders.  

Other Lands

Other parts of Ansalon are home to distinctive tribes of nomads and small, diverse settlements.   Estwilde. The fiercely independent human tribes of Estwilde travel the steppes of Qlettaar from the Turbidus Ocean to New Sea. These nomads brook no trespassing on their lands, whether by Solamnics or hobgoblin raiders from the east.   Goodlund. While Goodlund is predominantly inhabited by kender, scattered human tribes wander the Dairly Plains and coasts bordering the Blood Sea of Istar. Many inhabit ancient Istarian ruins, occasionally forced to grapple with half-understood technology and magic from the ancient past.   Icereach. The humans of Icereach live in the frozen south, where they compete with groups of thanoi (walrus-folk) for hunting grounds.   Khur. The nomadic human tribes of Khur inhabit a harsh, rocky land. These groups have been forcibly united under the local leader Salah-Khan, who allied his people with the Dragon Armies. A robust resistance, centered at the trade hub of Khuri-Khan, opposes the invaders.   Nordmaar. Most humans of Nordmaar live either in rugged coastal communities to the north or among the nomadic tribes of the south. Both proud groups have strong ties with the people of Solamnia.


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