Gods of Good in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Gods of Good

The gods of good provide healing and comfort to the mortals of Krynn. Although they oppose the evil gods’ attempts to rule the world, their goal isn’t eradicating evil or its gods. Instead, their highest pursuit is preserving mortal choice, despite the sorrowful knowledge that mortals sometimes choose ruinous paths.  


Paladine is known as the Father of Good, the Master of Law, the Platinum Dragon, and—on other worlds of the multiverse—Bahamut. He leads the gods of good and watches over the world with an eye toward order, justice, and mercy. He teaches that wise and just laws are the basis of a functioning society, and his clerics often aid in crafting and upholding such laws. Paladine sometimes appears on Krynn in the guise of Fizban, a befuddled old human mage in faded robes.  


Called the Bard King, Branchala is the god of music, poetry, and the inner beauty of all living things. Many elves and kender worship him above all other gods. Both groups revere him as a champion of life and laughter, bringing solace and joy to those who listen.  


Habbakuk, known as the Fisher King, oversees animal life, the sea, and the balance of nature. Many sailors, farmers, and hunters revere him. His holy sites are often marked with the image of a blue bird or a phoenix wreathed in blue flames.  


Kiri-Jolith is the god of righteous war. He blesses all who fight in the name of good and scorns those who delight in slaughter and lust for battle. He is particularly revered by the Knights of the Sword, an order of the Knights of Solamnia that seeks to root out evil wherever it dwells.  


Austere and aloof, Majere is the god of meditation and discipline. Monks, his most devoted followers, honor him by leading lives of quiet contemplation in remote monasteries. Many orphans are raised in the monasteries of Majere; some become monks themselves, while those who leave the monastic life often take the surname Majere out of respect.  


Healers and community guardians widely worship the god of compassion, healing, and love, Mishakal. Throughout history, she has reached out to chosen heroes to soothe others’ suffering. Her faithful offer healing and solace to all—even enemies.  


Solinari, the god of good magic, is patron of the Mages of High Sorcery’s Order of the White Robes and other benevolent mages. His power manifests through the white moon of Krynn, the brightest of its three moons. Along with his cousins Lunitari and Nuitari, he watches Krynn from the heavens and encourages magic that aids, heals, and protects.


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