Konatsu Species in Dragonball: Infinity | World Anvil
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The Wielders of Blade and Song

The hidden planet of Konats is something of a deep mystery in the cosmos. It's said that only those who have been there can ever reach it, and thus only when a Konatsu journeys away from his home can he reveal its secret origin in the heavens. Few have ever traveled to this far-away planet, and fewer still have returned with tales that were anything less than extraordinary.   The Konatsu are what the civilized galaxy might consider savages. Their level of technology is far below what other races have achieved even when they are one of the oldest races in the universe, but this is due in part to the nature of Konatsu's themselves. They are simple people, pleased by the orders of nature which is wild and abundant on their home planet. While other races have pursued scientific advancements, the Konatsu are one of the few who have delved deeply into the spiritual powers available in the vast universe. Where other races have struggled to master the ambient powers of the Eternal Dragons, the Konatsu have a society rich with magic.   Most notable of the Konatsu accomplishments are the bindings of the Soul Weapon. Mystical extensions of their own life force, these Soul Weapons are a paramount point of Konatsu life. From birth the Konatsu's are trained in the art of weapon warfare, and by even a young age they have mastered the art of the blade. Few races, even the Saiyans, can boast a prowess with the sword that rivals the Konatsu. Deeply linked to this connection are the mysterious Symphony Arts of the Konatsu people, who can weave spells with songs played from instruments and even detect the very life forces of nature by the inner drums of every living heart.   A Konatsu is not born with his Soul Weapon. It takes unbelievable training and mastery before a warrior of the Konatsu may attempt the "The Ten Tales of the Heartless Hymn." The sacred rite by which blademasters draw out their weapon from their very soul. It's said that a initiate must travel into the deepest wild woods of the planet and play the Hymn for four days straight before he can birth his Soul Sword, but only the blademasters themselves know the true rite, and they would never betray the secret of this most sacred of ceremonies.   Though they are rare to see in the galaxy, the Konatsu are a proud and noble people who strike out into the vast stars to seek adventure and glory.
Konatsu cover
Homeworld: Konats
Lifespan: 120-160yrs
  Renowned Konatsu in RP: Gabriel, Rizion


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