Androids Species in Dragonball: Infinity | World Anvil
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Born of Sparks

Androids have been given a unique background and homeworld in the Dragonball: Infinity roleplay setting, however, you are welcome to roleplay an Android character whose origins are more consistent with the series such as Androids 17 and 18.


  The denizens of Insignia V were not born from the random chance and chaos of evolution, but instead inspired into creation and given life by three ancient Mecha-beings of unknown origin that became known as the Divine Sparks. The Divine Sparks are:
  Uluuru, the Spark of Imagination.
Dexic, the Spark of Knowledge.
Korolin, the Spark of Willpower.

  Legends claim that the three Divine Sparks piled asteroid upon asteroid together, crushing trillions of megatons of metal to form the planet of Insignia. With their power combined, they created the core of what would eventually become a machine world, and set about using their knowledge and powers to bring life to this planet of metal. From the molten heart of Insignia the Sparks built great foundries and forges and set to work creating a synthesized race of sentient machines. Each Android born from Insignia has but a fragment of the Life Code bestowed by these Sparks, but it is that Life-Code which gives them free will and individuality.   Once the first Androids began to populate Insignia, the Divine Sparks retired to whereabouts unknown, leaving the fate of Insignia in the hands of their creations. Over many generations of time as the Androids learned more about the foundries and forges left in their care by the Divine Sparks they began to advance their civilization. Each major "era" of discovery and invention is preceded by the building of a new outer shell of the planet. Four such eras have passed since the Sparks built their forges and thus the Androids of the universe call their home Insignia V.  

Modern Era

In the modern era, Insignia V and its Androids have struggled to regain their status as a galactic super-power following the events of the Gear Wars nearly two hundred years ago. That war left Insignia horribly scarred, and nearly uninhabitable for several generations. It also caused such severe damage to the foundries and forges of the Divine Sparks that the Android race has struggled to produce new heirs. It is rumored that only 1 out of every 1000 power cores can be properly awakened by the Life-Code entrusted to Insignia's people by the Divine Sparks. For every power core awakened it seems that two more burn out, or are lost to catastrophic damage and the threat of the Android race's inevitable extinction looms if a solution to their plight goes undiscovered.  

Cultural Keystones

  The Androids of Insignia V were once the galaxy's greatest industrialists and before the Gear Wars the most pivotal manufacturers of nearly all advanced technology. Since their decline the emergence of new technology and bleeding-edge invention has fallen into a deep rut, bringing galactic progress in the fields of science to a grinding halt. Many of the galactic superpowers in the 'verse now struggle to maintain their armories, spaceship armadas and to meet the demands of their populations. Space stations, and craft-worlds have been hit especially hard in these areas, and some have even been forced to be abandoned or scuttled as the demand for resources to maintain far outstripped the available supply.   As a political force in the galaxy, Insignia V and its Androids have always attempted to remain as neutral in galactic affairs as possible due to their role as a manufacturer and supplier for the wider universe. The few times during Insignia's golden age when they did take a stance in regards to galactic conflict, their support often brought about the end of such conflicts.
Androids cover
Homeworld: Insignia V
Lifespan: N/A
  Renowned Androids in RP: Kalmega, Thousand


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