Braervan - The Green Knight Character in Dragon Road | World Anvil
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Braervan - The Green Knight (Brae-er-van)

"The hillbilly - but of course no one calls him that to his face" Sousaphon the loquacious   In tune with nature   Braervan is a rare dragon that fits in neither the metallic or chromatic types. An amber dragon, Braervan is a herbivore and this earns him scorn from both the metallic and chromatic dragons.   His domain is the now massive Sherwood forest - the cataclysm forced a massive growth of the forest and it overtook the whole of the area, only being limited by the leylines of the area.   Earning his epithet of "The green knight" due to his focus on the forests and green areas of the isles, Braervan has close ties with The court of owls and the some of the elvish clades.   You do not enter his woods without his permission - those who do meet grisly ends. Braervan might not eat meat but his trees do...
Lawful nuetral
Current Residence
Sherwood forest
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You may enter my domain but beware - I may not bite - but the trees do!"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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