Camp Wyatt Settlement in Dragon Riders | World Anvil

Camp Wyatt

Camp Wyatt is located in the eastern foothills of the Appalachian mountain range in western Virginia colony. When the British Aerial Corp sent the first British Dragons to the Colonies, they claimed a number of camps that had been built by the indigenous peoples. The camp is nestled between the mountains and an old growth forest and sits on the site of a brood camp established by the indigenous peoples of the area before the arrival of the Europeans.   In 1765, the British Aerial Corps built a permanent camp over the indigenous camp that had been occupied by the British forces for a number of years. They named the camp after the first Crown Governors of the Colony of Virginia, Sir Francis Wyatt.   In June of 1775, when the Second Continental Congress established the Continental Army and named General George Washington as it's commander-in-chief, the order from Congress included the raising of two companies in Virginia to join with the army at Boston. One of the two Virginia companies was raised in the western part of the state. The western company drew a number of members from the area around Camp Wyatt and included a few of the British Aviators and their Dragons who defected.   In December of 1775, following on the establishment of the Continental Navy and Continental Marines, the Second Continental Congress established, at General Washington's proposal, a Continental Air Force. All of the Dragons and Riders in the employ of the other branches were transferred to the Air Forces.   In January 1776, one of the first engagements of the Continental Air Forces was to take Camp Wyatt from the British Aerial Corps. The engagement was short and decisive, largely owing to many of the resident British Aviators and Dragons surrendering and asking to defect. The few personnel at Camp Wyatt remaining loyal to the Crown were captured quickly by the defecting personnel and imprisoned in the Camp's brig while the Continental Air Forces held the skies over the camp. In about an hour, the Flag of the Continental Air Forces was raised over the camp.  

Camp Layout

Camp Wyatt
  The camp supports a large livestock population to ensure that the resident Dragons are properly fed. As well as large grain fields to feed the livestock.   The camp's focal point is the Roost for the resident Dragons. Built into a bluff overlooking the camp proper, the Roost provides a place for the Dragons to rest.   Just below the Roost is the Brooding chambers, where eggs are kept until hatching.
Military, Base