Undead in Doskvol | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



You are a spirit that animates an undead body. Your trauma is maxed out. Choose four trauma conditions that reflect your vampiric nature. Arcane attacks are potent against you. If you suffer fatal harm or trauma, you don’t die, but your undead spirit is overwhelmed. You take level 3 harm: “Incapacitated” until you feed enough to recover. If you suffer arcane harm while in this state, you are destroyed utterly. Your xp tracks are longer (you now advance more slowly). You have 12 stress boxes instead of 9.

When you suffer “fatal” harm and are incapacitated, you can push yourself in order to take action and feed. If you’re also maxed out on stress, then you can take no actions, and must rely on an ally or servant to feed you.


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