The 6th District Settlement in Doreymos | World Anvil
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The 6th District

The previous home of the 3rd Embry, now ruins beneath the newly built The Tenth District. It served as a symbol of corruption and power for the previous Embry, but after  @The 3rd Embry's Fall it was reduced to a pile of ruins, attacks on both the infrastructure and sapping maneuvers on the extensive catacombs and sewers of the district leading to it collapsing in to the ground. After much deliberation on where the home of their new government would be, The 4th Embry decided to pave over the ruins, building on top of them as both a symbol of the new overcoming the old but that the 3rd Embry would never resurface.   However, the 6th District still does technically exist. It is primarily inhabited by pests and squatters, as the lightless, stuffy catacombs created are dangerous to live and move in, but those who wish to meet in secrecy can learn of the many hidden entrances to this under-district, away from the prying eyes of the guard militia or other less-than-desirable authority figures.   The continued use of the 6th District is not common knowledge, but even among the few who know of it there are rumors of deeper connections in the 6th District, of them being the entrance to a series of interconnected catacombs and secret passageways leading to every district in the city, and of the reclusive (or potentially nonexistent) Order of Djan being able to be found deep within. Whatever the case, despite its place all but forgotten in history, the 6th District still holds some secrets.
Alternative Name(s)
The Hollows
Owning Organization

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