Amberton Settlement in Dopamirosa | World Anvil
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On the northwest border of the Cindersap forest, Amberton is a beacon of light no matter the time of day. The founders of Amberton are that of Zonn Ettyr separatees, those who abandoned the sect when it made the decision to launch a crusade against the Drow and the Underdark as a whole. They did not want to participate in what they deemed to be an unprovoked and unreasonable attack that went against the very fundamentals of Pelor's teachings. This decision led them far away from the conflict surrounding Zonn Ettyr and thus they avoided the destruction of their former sect, establishing a peaceful settlement focused on spreading Pelor's influence rather than stifling others'. Pelor saw these folk redeemed in his eyes, and rewarded their redemption with the power of the light itself-- in the center of Amberton burns a holy sun bestowing power to all those who vow to do as the Amberton citizens have done, choosing a life of good and peace instead of death and chaos.


Majority Dwarvish, being those who separated from the original Zonn Ettyr forces. Few Human and Elf have arrived aswell-- followers of Pelor migrating to the hamlet to live amongst their religious peers. A pair of Halflings also call this place home. Often, travelers to and from the Garden Of The Goddesses may arrive to practice their Polytheistic and Syncretistic beliefs, taking Amberton inhabitants with them to visit their shrines in The Glass Desert and to indulge themselves in The Valley of the Pagans.

Industry & Trade

The inhabitants of Amberton do not bother with gold and riches, and make only what they need to survive-- any potential excess is most often gifted to travelers or local settlements to remain in good graces with the citizens of the area.
Inhabitant Demonym
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Owning Organization

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