Kira Sharpelt Character in Dominalem | World Anvil
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Kira Sharpelt

Elemental Diplomat, Sharpelt Kira

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kira is tall and lean. She maintains a runner's body, and is not the strongest individual. She walks with a slight limp from an old injury.

Body Features

Her light green skin is covered with a variety of scares and burn marks. In additions she has a series of bright blue tattoos that cover her body in shifting patterns.

Facial Features

Sharp angular jaw, narrow set eyes, thick lips

Physical quirks

Kira has an imposing posture and walks with a slight limp. When frustrated she digs her feet at the ground.

Special abilities

Elemental magi: Elemental Communication Elemental Enhancements Elemental Attacks

Apparel & Accessories

Kira wears a series of animal hides that are common for the far north. She also has many bone accessories, such as bracelets and necklace. She often wears a worg pelt as a hood.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kira, like many tribal in the harsh north; was raised by a shamanistic tribe. Since she was a child Kira found harmony in nature, and began to aid her tribe by settling natural forces. When the Elemental Exodus began she set joined a group of adventures to solve the problem.   She open the for the fleeing elemental , as her fellows fought off a hobgoblin army. Currently she travels the land acting as an emissary between the mortals of her world, and the elemental refuges.

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

Prevented the annihilation of the elemental beings Veteran of Bearflayer's Battle

Failures & Embarrassments

Unable to protect her family

Failed to save a sacred grove

Failed to convert an old friend

Mental Trauma

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Overprotective Temperamental Stubborn

Intellectual Characteristics

Sassy, passionate, aggressive, independent.

Morality & Philosophy

Kira views her self as a referee of sorts. She understands that nature is violent and uncaring, and it civilized species nature to themselves from it. She tries to moderate the amount of needless warfare, consumption, and waste that civilization creates. Her primary means of preventing conflict is mediation and education, but she will not hesitate to protect herself or others.   In addition she strongly opposes the Veren empire's existence, because of their excess and disregard for the natural world. However, she still tries to educate them, and protect them from natures wrath.


Killing for sport Wastefulness Arrogance Deceit

Personality Characteristics


Find harmony between nature and civilization.


Contacts & Relations

Friend of Timaeus Gnaeus Thelonious “Timmy Associated with Bagtet's Bane.
Current Location
Powerful, emerald
Long, dark brown, Braded
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light green


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