Session 2: Books and Herbs Report in Domhan | World Anvil
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Session 2: Books and Herbs

General Summary

  • Ronin and Zoot help Ebraheim set up his tent (Zoot tying knots, Ronin holding up posts)
  • Hanzo helps Birgit carry books to her shop
  • Andariel goes to Yvelyn asking for potions. Yvelyn gives her the task to collect ingredients in the forest
  • Ebraheim has Hanzo set up the wares (gives them each five gold as reward for helping him)
  • Zoot goes off to find Anesh’s shop, it seems to be unused for quite some time
  • Andariel purchases book about plants
  • Ronin and Hanzo have a little awkward moment sharing some backstory stuff
  • Ronin goes and purchases a children's book (The Wild Swans) and a book on the history of the royal family of Saranacha
  • Zoot purchases old map (they determined that everything seems to be shifted on the map towards the forest)
  • They all head back to the inn
  • Harriet shares a secret with Zoot when he orders food (haunted manor of Ahmen Sa)
  • Zoot hits the sack
  • Hanzo confronts Ronin about her aversion to tieflings
  • Hanzo then confronts Andariel about her past
  • The 10th of Flower Moon, 1340 of the Third Age
  • Wake up to a foggy morning, Zoot goes for a walk, Hanzo does morning exercises and meditation
  • Ronin sits in quiet prayer and contemplation
  • All gather for breakfast in the tavern and determine their next course of action
  • They decide to go into the woods to find the potion ingredients. They manage to find five out of seven ingredients before they encounter a group of dire wolves.
  • They encounter four large wolves and fend them off
  • Ronin and Andariel investigate the bodies and find that they are dire wolves. Ronin wonders why they are so far from their mountain homes.
  • The party heads back to town and goes to report the presence of dire wolves to Lady Afala.
  • Ronin shares her theory that the increase of monsters is related to the decrease in spiritual belief and the degradation of the shrines. Lady Afala refers them to a trapper in the area that they can sell the fur and teeth they harnessed

Rewards Granted

  • 5 gold each from Ebraheim

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Festival Set-Up

Character(s) interacted with

  • Ebraheim
  • Birgit
  • Yvelyn
  • Harriet
  • Lady Afala
Report Date
12 Mar 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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