Houserules in DoIP & SKT | World Anvil
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D&D Campaign Rules

Homebrew Rules

  • Critical Hit: add maximum of all the dice you roll to the normal roll.
  • Drinking a potion: Drinking a Potion is a Bonus action, making someone else drink a potion is an action. Drinking a Healing potion as an action gives you the maximum healing.
  • Level up HP: Wanneer je Hit die minder dan average is, neem je de average + constitution modifier.
  • Free Inspiration: Stacked op gewone DM inspiration, enkel geldig tijdens de huidige sessie. Als je dit niet gebruikt en op het einde van de sessie heb je geen inspiration, veranderd dit naar gewone inspiration. In alle andere gevallen, ben je deze kwijt.
  • Attunement slots: You can attune to a number of magic items equal to your proficiency bonus minus one
  • A Taxing Return: This variant harkens back to older edition rules where every time a character is restored to life, the process corrodes a fraction of their vitality, slowly consuming the body until it can no longer sustain life. Each time a character is brought back to life via a spell or ritual, that character suffers a permanent loss of 1 point of their Constitution ability score. This loss cannot be restored outside of a carefully worded wish spell. Use of the spell true resurrection to restore a character does not impose this loss of Constitution. Characters that reach a Constitution ability score of 0 are permanently dead and cannot be resurrected.
  • Excel: Magic and Mundane item prices: Sane magic item prices, deze sheet geeft een idee van de prijsklasse van verschillende items. Deze prijzen kunnen nog veranderen.

General Rule:
Tijdens de sessies zitten we samen om D&D te spelen. Er is green tijd om in discussie te gaan over de interpretatie van regels of om je persoonlijke wishlist van items te beginnen samen stellen. Dit gebeurd tussen de sessies door.
Voor ik zeg of je een magic item al dan niet kan kopen, will ik dit ook kunnen bekijken. Vergeet niet hier rekening mee te houden.

Bestanden zijn terug te vinden in de Dropbox map. De links vind je terug op de Discord.

Magic Items Errata

Bag of Holding: Getting something out of the bag takes about 5-10 minutes instead of an action.  

Spells Errata

Tasha's Mind Whip: Level 4, range 30 feet, and 5d6 damage. At Higher levels: Other creatures must be within 15 feet.

Optional Rules

Hero Points

DMG p 264 – under review

Healing Surges

DMG p 264 – Under review

Slow Natural Healing

DMG p 265 – Under review

Massive Damage

DMG p 273 – Under review


DMG p 251 – Under Review

Cleaving Through Creatures

DMG p 272 When a Melee attack reduces an undamaged creature, of the same size or smaller than the attacking creature, to 0 HP, any excess damage from that attack might carry over to another creature nearby. The attacker targets another creature within reach, and if the original attack roll can hit it, applies any remaining damage to it. If that creature was undamaged and is likewise reduced to 0 hit points, repeat this process, carrying over the remaining damage until there are no valid targets, or until the damage carried over fails to reduce an undamaged creature to 0 hit points.

Character Creation

Op Roll20 heb ik een speciale game waar je Characters kan maken. Via je character Vault kan je deze dan exporteren naar het gewesnte game. (Er zijn bepaalde limitations) Invite Link  

Starting at 1st or 2level - We start the campaign at second level

  Ability Scores: Point Buy or Roll 4d6, reroll 1, drop lowest. Rol 7 keer, drop lowest score   Chararacter Races:
  • PHB: Alles toegestaan
  • Maximum 1 per party for Dragonborn, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, and Tiefling
  • Volo's Guid to Monsters, Maximum 1 per party and restricted to the following races: Aasimar, Firbolg, Goliath, and Tabaxi
  • Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, Maximum 1 per party and restricted to the following races: Tiefling subraces, Eladrin, Deep Gnome
  • Gith, Shadar-kai, Wildemount, Eberron, Ravinca & Theros races zijn te bespreken.
Character Subclasses:
  • PHB & Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
  • Tasha’s Couldron of Everything & Fizban's treasury of dragons te bespreken
  • Andere boeken zijn te bespreken
  • Preapproved: Dräken, Dragon Rider, Gunslinger
  • DM Fiat
Backstory: An Uncommon magic Item can be awarded in return for a background story. Backstory needs to be more than a paragraph but less than a complete book.  

Backup Character / Starting at higher Level

  Level & Equipment
  • Start at party level
  • Normal starting equipment, verkopen aan 50%
  • See starting at 1st level
  • 5000 + 1d10 * 250 gp (er staat een macro in de Character Creation Game, zie bovenstaande link) - Niet voor magic items
  • You have a budget of 35.000 GP to purchase magic items of maximum rare variety. (DM fiat)
  Magic Items
  • 1 potion of healing
  • 1 potion of greater healing
  Background Reward
  • A Rare or Very Rare Item can be awarded in return for a background story with links to the current campaign. Backstory needs to be more than a paragraph but less than a complete book.


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