Lich King of Larona, Lianalis Larona Character in DnDstuff1 | World Anvil
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Lich King of Larona, Lianalis Larona

Met in: (not yet met)   From: Larona Capital   Current Location: (unknown)   Race: Elf   Class: Lich   Appearance: A strong body in life, his figure is tall and wide and imposing. In life, he had dirty-blonde hair and wore elven finery.   Backstory Known: During the Laronan Civil War, he was murdered by an assassin sent by his brother. After this, he became a lich and began using his newfound magic to exert control over his people until The Incident... The Larona-Armingston war began when Armingston sent Paladins into Larona's territories to try to get rid of the king. It was believed that Ezekiel successfully killed the lich king, but it turns out to be very hard to kill undead. After the paladins left, Gregori sealed the lich away into a deeper sanctum under the Laronan castle before fleeing the country himself. None have yet told the party exactly what happened, but at some point, Lianalis cast a curse which sent miasma across the lands and waters, leaving a deadly plague in its wake. Those who die from the plague have a high chance of becoming undead if their remains are not dealt with quickly. It is unknown why he did this or how.   Important facts: -nope -Brother of Xerlan -Father of Lyxenthrial -Grandfather of Vivianna -Uncle of Gregori


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