The Remnant Pantheon Organization in Divinitia | World Anvil
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The Remnant Pantheon

The Remnant Pantheon is the religion largely practiced within Divinician Empire.

Mythology & Lore

Long ago, the Gods and Angels fought against the Devils and Demons for control over the Isle of Divinitia. As the conflict grew longer and bloodier, the stakes grew greater. What started as a battle for territory in the Prime Realm ended with a war for survival in the Greater Realms. The delicate balance between good and evil was shattered, and evil began to prevail. The gods were each slain, one by one. One god, however, bided his time. The god of order and strategy absorbed the essences of his fallen brethren. The Final Lord was born. He attempted to use their combined energy to slay the Fiends in one swipe. The dead gods, however, argued. Without the full consent of the fallen gods, The Final Lord was unable to deliver the Denouement. Filled with wrath, the Final Lord destroyed the higher planes, forcing the battle into Divinitia. Where dead Gods fell, the Aasimar rose, mortal semblances of Good. Where dead devils fell, Teiflings rose, mortal semblances of Evil. Where dead Angels and Demons fell, the Humans arose, mortals capable of either Good or Evil. The Final Lord stayed in what remained of the planes.   The Final Lord orders his followers to appease the souls of his brethren, so that one day he may fully absorb their essences and finally deliver Denouement.
Religious, Pantheon


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