The Eyes of Ignominy Character in Divinitia | World Anvil
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The Eyes of Ignominy

I never meant to hurt her. I swear by it. I got past the law, walked away from the trial a free man. But you knew, didn't you? I felt you then, as I feel you now. You watched it happen. You've watched ever since. You have to know it was an accident then, right?
[right]-Note found on a corpse. Corpse located near sister's gravestone.


The Eyes of Ignominy are often spoken of in a low, hushed tone, if spoken of at all. The Eyes are unique from the other idols on this list. It seems to be respected as much as it is feared; while few deny the entity's cruelty, it's actions are never seen as a wrongdoing. The closest thing I can relate it to is the decision of a judge. Though the decision may be cruel and heartless, it must be respected.

The Eyes have been described as exactly that; eyes. Whenever a victim is alone, they begin to see countless eyes in any dark spaces around them. They are said to appear at inconsistant intervals, only visable to the victim, and typically only when the victim is alone. After the first sighting of the eyes, the victim has an indeterminate amount of time left to live. Sometimes days, sometimes months, sometimes years later, the individual will be found, having had the blood drained from their body.

Divine Domains

Order, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Three eyes, shown together in a helix-like shape.

Tenets of Faith

Only an Objective Jury can cast True Judgement. Only punishment can salvage a guilty soul. No secret is safe in the dark.


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