Dragons Species in Disk | World Anvil


Dragons can be sorted into three different types, lawful, true and chaotic. These don't necessarily describe their temperament, they just reference their way of creation or simply put the way they became a dragon. But all the Dragons are the all powerfull, four legged, winged and scaly dragons normally found in fantasy settings. They come in different colors, shapes and sizes and of cause all with different powerful abilities. Dragons are not only due to their size and abilities feared and repected, but also due to the power their existence alone represents. Since the existence of a dragon alone means it is favored by the gods or powerfull enough to become the way it is.    The three types of dragons or more like three ways to become a dragon
The easiest and at the same time most complicated are the true dragons. Since they are just born as dragons, ever since their souls came into eyistence they were meant to be dragons and have never experienced a different fate. They just won in the soul lottery basically and came into being as one of the most powerful beings on the disk. So your first memory of consciousness is as a dragon? Concratulations you are a true dragon. Now how and why these dragons are created is a bit more of a complicated story. As dragons were originally created to represent the gods on the disk and to maybe interfere in their will. But to do so they obviously needed a soul and with that complications are always a given, since with a soul they also got personalities and their own will. They obviously had powers representing their gods and personalitys and morals kind of aligned to their repective gods, but still some dragons were a bit more independend than others and since the gods can't conrtol everything the dragons started to act more independend aswell, soem gods even gave their dragons completly free reign, due to a lack of interested in this kind of power or complete trust in the dragons to follow their will on their own or the unwillingness to bind another creature to their desires. And like that the dragons became their own species more or less free to live as they wish. And since they are also just souls they procreated with eachother, creating even more dragons and also more kinds of dragons by mixing the different powers given by the gods. These true dragons can be completly harmless or aggressive, they can favor certain people and civilisations or despise them. Some are completly neutral and just live out their lives as these all powerfull creatures. Some dragon sepcieses died out over time or were killed of by other dragons or creatures. Some live in hiding or decied to move to isolated places and distance themselves from all the drama the mostly humanoid civilisations always cause. Some others went on the war path to claim the world or specific lands as their own, some of them were successfull some were not. But nevertheless how they live or where they are, everyone has to take dragons into consideration when they are in power or want to travel to specific locations, since it is not always easy to appease a dragon and incurryng its wrath is something not everyone can actually handle. And as they have a conscouisness level similar or above most humanoids they are respected by everyone. And due to their sometimes godlike powers and the fact that they were originally supposed to represent said gods on the disk, they are revered as one of the most powerfull species and generally repsected as a symbol for power.   Next we have the lawful dragons, they aren't necessarily less or more powerfull then true dragons, but they are mostly "easier" to handle as they were humanoid once and still are now. The lawful dragons aren't full dragons and were not born as such. LAwful dragons were born as shifters or beastpeople and ascended into dragon shifters only after their death. This is how the patron god of the shifters rewards especially powerfull shifters or shifters that have done them or the shifter race a great service. So after their death the god of shifters gives them another chance at life and resurrects them, but they loose their original animal form and are instead rewared with a more godly second form. These don't necessarily have to be dragons, but if they are then they are categorized as lawful dragons. Their apperance and powers then depend on their inherent power from their previous live, the reason why they were allowed to ascend, the way they died and also the making of their soul. These dragons are well respected for their power, but also for their soul since they had to have been really powerfull before or a special person in their previous life to even be able to ascend. In the shifter community they and other ascended shifters are regared as above everything else and are only held accountable before the gods. Lawful dragons are mostly seen as easier to handle not because of a lack of power, but because of their humanoid form and nature, as they are more easily understanding then dragons that only have a dragon from and dragon memories. But there are also exceptions as lawful dragons still have a sould and therefore are prone to have different personalitys that react differently to different species. Some lawful dragons have also spent to much time in their dragon from and slowly forget their humanoid form and are more dragon then humanoid or don't regard themselves as humanoid at all. Every shifter reacts differently to ascencion and lives differently with their newfound form and power, so they can even turn against the shifters that are technically their own people. So like the true dragons these lawful dragons are feared and repected everywhere they go.   Last but not least the chaotic dragons were also not born as dragons they were originally animals living in the endless cycle of live death and rebirth that their god has chosen for them. But animals that die an unfair or cruel death by the hands of humanoids are allowed a chance to break this cycle by being reborn as beasts, more powerfull and driven by the want for revenge against their murderer and abusers of their previous lives, humanoids. And some of these animals give up their soul and sanity to be reborn more powerfull to exact their revenge. And so some of them can be reborn as dragons, but these ones are not all different and can never be peacefull. They only know one thing and that is revenge. Now some of these are left with more sanity then others and can exact more power or more complex plans. Some don't hate all humanoids but are only out for the death and suffering of specific races, organisations, civilisations or even specific people and use their power and intellect to destroy them. When they only have specific targets they can sometimes be neutral or even friendly with other humanoids and sometimes even ally themselves with them to better exact their revenge. But one thing is clear they are out for revenge and will stop at nothing before they have revenged their previous live. After they then exact their revenge they die and disappear to have their soul judged for an afterlife and if they die they aren't reborn back as dragons but loose what is left of their sanity and convert into the endless circle of being a beast until their soul decides to rest and be judged for an afterlife. These dragons are extremly rare, but are mostly feared for their destructive and revengufull nature paired with their all powertfull from as a dragon.


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