Discordia History of Discordia Timeline

History of Discordia

Overall view of events in Discordia

1st Cycle

1 1400

The races of Discordia create tribal societies focused on surviving, exiling other races, and finding habitable areas in the unknown lands created by the cataclysm. Ending when Humans reconnect to magic and begin to settle areas with stronger magical presence.

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    Discovery of Photium
    Discovery, Scientific

    Photium is discovered in the Mountains of Kord by a tribe of Minotaur, leading to trade with other races within the mountainous borders.

2nd Cycle

1401 5348

The races of Discordia reconnect to magic and begin settling in areas of magical power, Powering ships and land vehicles with magic and domesticated animals. The gods settle with the mortal races of Discordia helping them develop and flourish.

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    3948 SC

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    Odyllic War
    Military action

    The Odyllic

    More reading
    Odylic War

3rd Cycle

5349 and beyond

The gods pull back from helping the mortal races of Discordia, leaving them mostly alone.

  • 0 TC

    1 /1 12:00

    House Corsair Crowned Ruling Family of Fade

    After defeat of Life's Revolt, House Corsair takes command of the continent with consent of the other noble houses, to govern the continent in its new cursed reality.