Disc casters Missing: Jonathan & Rachel Booker

Missing: Jonathan & Rachel Booker

Life, Trauma/ Loss


After a couple of months of searching the search was called off and they could not be found.

Todd's parents and Lindsey's and Edward's children, there be it one of them in-law go missing on an expedition to the Palace of Ra.   Todd's parents go to the Egyptian archaeological site of the mysterious Palace of Ra and go missing near the era. The local authorities are not sure what happened and are not that inclined to find a couple of Americain tourists who got lost in the desert. The guide they hired said that they were just gone when he woke up one morning and he could not find any trace of them expect the items that they left in the campsite. The USA being the control freak nation that it is sends people to try and find Todd's parents due to a "Bring Them Home" campaign that the Birches were backing. After months of combing the area and finding nothing, the search was called off. Todd, like most kids, after losing his parents was devastated and when it looked like he would be taken away his grandparents stepped in and took him in.

Related Location
The Palace of Ra
Related timelines & articles
Earth's Histroy (article)
Booker Family History (article)
Stella Wayland's Life (article)