Fiend Fury Condition in Disc Casters | World Anvil

Fiend Fury

Written by HarborWizard763

The Fiend Fury is one part mental disorder and one part biological. Half-Fiends and Fiends both have this ability. I guess what I am trying to say is that it is not that simple.
Ethan Johnson
  The Fiend Fury is the most powerful ability that fiends have. The Fiend Fury is a state that fiends and half-fiends can go into. This state causes the monster to go into a rage. Most of the time the fury can be controlled, but sometimes they can go into a permanent fury that is almost impossible to snap them out of.

Transmission & Vectors

The Fiend Fury is genetically handed down to offspring.


A fiend and half-fiend can go into the Fiend Fury for a number of reasons. The main causes are frustration, anger, and the feeling of being betrayed. These can lead to a permanent fury. But these monster also have the ability to go into the Fiend Fury themselves without a cause. This can only be done by mature monsters and those with complete control over themselves.


You can tell if a fiend of half-fiend has gone into the Fiend Fury by looking at their eyes. If their eyes are dilated and the iris is yellow it means that they are in the Fiend Fury.


There are three ways to go about treating the Fiend Fury. First, let it run its course. If it is not permanent this is the safest option. Second, calming spells and charms. This is will work on a normal Fiend Fury, but not a permanent one. Third, physically snapped them out of it. This can be done by challenging the monster to combat. All you have to do is beat them. This is the most dangerous and is normally used to snap fiends and half-fiends out of a permanent Fiend Fury.

Cultural Reception

Monsters with the Fiend Fury are both feared and revered. Feared because sometimes it is like walking on eggshells around them. Revered because it is a power symbol in the culture, and those who can control their fury are honored and looked up too. Most normal people who run into the Fiend Fury are scared senseless and have no idea what to do.
Affected Species


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