Krom Greatskull Character in Dimere | World Anvil
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Krom Greatskull

Krom Greatskull

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Lawful Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
300 lbs

Exit Lacaster

Unfamiliar place The world begins to turn red Memories of old

Enter Lacaster

Towering giants Old friends now with new faces The shadows now clear

Exit Omerage

Shadows move closer Violence constraining us Seeking to be free

Enter Omeridge

New beginnings found Choices for the good of friends Relationships form   Our party arrived at Omeridge without any further conflicts on the road. The streets were already busy with people going about their daily routines. Tabitha said that she had a couple of meetings to attend to, so we decided to explore the town. Surprisingly, we came across Leopild (the dwarf we met on the road) mid quarrel with his wife. His wife had grown tired of his traveling and insisted that he stay home. We discovered that Leopild was an adventurer and had roamed across Dimere for almost 100 years. He had even made a map of the kingdom that was quite detailed. Leopild decided that if he could not continue to travel, then he would live vicariously through us. He gave us his map on the condition that we would send him letters from time to time, updating him on our exploits. We thanked Leopild for the map and the refreshments and left to go met Tabitha.   We looked for Tabitha in the market, but we could not find her, the carriage or Tim (the horse). We did find Diana, the owner of the carriage. She informed us that Tabitha had went off to enjoy the town and meet some other friends. We followed Diana to the guild hall, in order to secure a license of sorts for their business. However, the price to secure such a license had inflated to 62 Gold. Apparently, I was not the only person short of coin. As luck would have it, Omeridge was in the midst of a festival and there was to be a contest. The contest was a test of strength and the winner received 200 Gold. I felt the group's eyes turn towards me. I did not want to go back to competing for crowds, but their need was just and the group had taken care of me without asking for anything in return. I entered the contest with Diana's business as my sponsor. With the contest being held tomorrow, we decided to head to the inn and get some food and rest.   The Laughing Demon was alive with food, drink and conversation. We found a table and ordered refreshments. I overheard a pair of men behind me discussing hunting down changlings, but I paid them and their menace no mind. It was then that an Elven band took the stage and began to play. The music, while pleasant, seemed to affect some patrons in curious ways. Diana and Wing sang along with the band, despite never hearing of them before. After the band finished and we were done with our refreshments, we headed to the room Tabitha had secured for us. The room was a decent size with a single bed. I had no problem falling asleep in one of the room's corners.   During the night, we awoke to strange noises coming from the stables. Upon further investigation, we found a pair of thieves had broke into the carriage and were attempting to steal its contents. Diana burst forward, attempting to kick one of the thieves. But she misjudged the timing and fell to the ground. The thief took the opportunity to stab Diana for her efforts. The second thief attempted to flee, but Wing and I quickly dispatched him. Sasha casted a colorful spell that blinded the other thief. After a bit of scrambling, we were able to apprehend the remaining thief and Wing was able to heal Diana. The battle had drawn the attention of the local constables. After investigating the scene and gathering statements, they took the thief away. Wondering where the second thief had gone to, I turned to find that Diana had hidden the other thief in a pile of hay. Diana revealed that the thief was a changling. When I asked why we would not report the dead thief to the constables, Diana replied adamantly that we could not be found with a changling. After confirming that there was no other alternative, I hid the changelings body within a barrel in a nearby alley.   After getting some rest, we awoke to find that Diana had spent the night drinking in the inn's bar. We made our way to the amphitheater that had been set up for the contest. There were several competitors. The objective was to lift a rock and place it on top of a barrel. After a couple of rounds, the only competitors that remained were myself and another minotaur named Drabble. I tried, but unfortunately, I could not best him. I thought all was lost. But when Drabble offered his hand as a sign of good sportsmanship, he opened my hand and place in it 100 Gold. I thanked him and in turn handed the gold over to Sasha, as Diana was still inebriated.

An Interesting Party...

Road moves ever on New friends, new acquaintances Journey towards the city   I stumbled across a goblin ambush on my way to Omerage today. The little fiends had intercepted some sort of vehicle and bound the driver. However, I was not the first one to come across this scene, as a small party had already begun battle with the goblin trio. Together, we were able to quickly dispatch the goblin menace and release the driver from his bonds. I was surprised to learn that this small party appeared to be a group of merchants. There was a jolly blue fellow, a surprisingly quiet woman (who apparently makes and sells soap) and a little bubbly woman (who for some reason wanted to pet and wash me?). We waited for a while with the driver as he made his repairs and then we were on our way to Omerage.   After a couple of hours, we came across a lit torch on the side of the road. At the blue fellow's insistence, we decided to investigate. The torch marked a chasm and rope leading downward. After deciding to climb down, we came across a cave. While investigating, we kept hearing sounds that were not natural to caves. After discovering a large black feather, the little woman was convinced there was a large chicken in the cave. The other woman came across a set of bloody makeshift clothes. We continued deeper into the cave. The blue fellow claimed that he saw a large black bird in the ceiling. While I didn't see the creature, I certainly heard it as it skittered away. As we continued deeper into the cave, we came across a pair of goblins. I tried to dissuade the goblins from combat to no avail. After a quick skirmish, we continued further. We reached the end of the cave and yet another goblin. After another quick battle, we finally identified the "giant chicken" as a Kenku named Echo. It appears that that Echo and his small family inhabit the caves and the goblins had invaded. After confirming that the Kenku were armed and safe, we made our way back to to the road. It is now getting late and we have now made camp. The little one is playing some pleasant music and my eyelids are getting heavy. Hopefully tomorrow we reach Omeridge.


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