Dies multiverse Mansion of Madness
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Mansion of Madness

Life, Supernatural


An annoyance named Mr. Mxyzptlk plagues the Freedom Society and fools them into a fictional mystery.

GM's Notes:
-Soldier and Copycat watch the house and watch the Harmer family leave on the 29th. She took in Copycat as a cat for a day on the 26th.
-Copy Cat remained in the backseat of Ms. Harmers mind.
-The Party meets at Kilmer's house and after seeing the hand of a child in a bag, began to investigate his neighbor Mr. Bernard Corbitt.
-The party planned to meet at the house at 1400 and did so.
-Kilroy explained that he works for an organization that can change things a year ahead and behind in time, allowing them to place relaying messages to themselves since their foundation. It is what they use to figure out everyone's identity.
-The party question Kilmer but he gives them very little, just that he wants to see how they handle themselves.
-In fact, Roy Kilmer is just a man being played by Mr. Mxyzptlk. Roy is in fact a real man working for the government but his job is to stop occult agents in foreign militaries. Roy is currently stationed in Germany.
-Mr. Mxyzptlk is playing Roy to give a less imposing face as he tests Earth's first true heroes as he's already done with Superman in the future. He hopes that they let loose the great monster that he's created that will in fact continue the Servent of Yog spell that has been cast, just like a creature from a lovecraftian book.
-He only wants the party to create a city wide threat for them to fight. If the threat is defeated or the party all dies, he'll just reset the scene back to the party sitting in the parlor before revealing himself and returning to the fifth dimension.
-Mr. Mxyzptlk (Mix-Yez-Pittle-Ick) can be sent back to the fifth dimension if he is tricked into saying his name backwards, it will lock him there for 90 days (kell-tipp-ZEY-skim).
-The party marches up to Corbitt's home. The soldier sits him on the stairway as the party searches. In the end, Corbitt begs Yog to aid his son. The Manbagari intends to leave the home to terrorize the city but the party must defeat the demons first.
-Dawnguard drops one demon into hell through a portal and Soldier runs over and knocks out another with a flying knee after Titan charges into the house.
-Mr. Mxyzptlk pops the party back into their seats and explains his actions to the party. He even states his weakness and then Copy Cat tricks him into saying his name backward.
-The team uses Gadget and Titan to show the location of the bombs the Mad Jester planted and Soldier drives Copycat around to deactivate the bombs.
-Copycat leaves an apology letter for Mr. Mxyzptlk in a safe area.

Related Location
Freedom City
Related timelines & articles
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