First Dawn Tradition / Ritual in Dierde | World Anvil

First Dawn

Many refer to it as First Dawn, New Years, Winter Solstice, Wintershield, Bright Morning, or even "The 20th Drawing Down". The last one is handed down from the Netherese who first came here from Toril.

  On This Day It is the Winter Solstice. Simril is celebrated in cities such as Waterdeep and Neverwinter. Priests of Auril celebrate the Coming Storm by calling vicious ice storms to torment a town or region. Worshipers of Eilistraee may celebrate the High Hunt, in which a deadly beast is hunted in the dark. Hunters may wear anything, but priests go naked, carrying only a sword. Worshipers of Mielikki and Gwaeron Windstrom celebrate the Fourth Feast and praise the Forest Lady with song. Priests of Malar may observe a ritual they also call the High Hunt, in which they armor themselves with their personal skull or head trophies and stalk a sentient being, usually a human male, until his death or dawn, whichever comes first. Worshipers of the gnomish deity Segojan Earthcaller offer up gems and bury them in holes dug by badgers in a festival honoring the treasures of the earth. Worshipers of Thoth perform the Ceremony of Introspection by fasting for 24 hours followed by immersion in icy water. Worshipers of Uthgar fast for a day and a night to celebrate the Darking of winter. In 1371 DR, the Sharn Wall keeping the phaerimm trapped beneath Anauroch was breached during a battle between Galaeron Nihmedu and Melegaunt Tanthul by the interaction of Weave magic and Shadow Weave magic. In 1375 DR, Lolth's Champion, Selvetarm, was killed by Cavatina Xarann wielding the Crescent Blade. In 1375 DR, drow mages of Vhaeraun performed a High Magic ritual for the first time since the Descent of the Drow (circa –10000 DR), which opened a gateway to Eilistraee's realm in Arvandor. The Masked Lord attempted to assassinate his sister, but failed and was killed by her instead.