Conjure Creature Spell in Dierde | World Anvil

Conjure Creature

Conjure Creature HHHVII p69 5th-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (the intact heart of the creature you wish to conjure, which the spell consumes) Duration: Instantaneous Target a space within range while holding the heart of the creature you wish to conjure. When you cast this spell, the creature's heart disintegrates into dust, and a copy of that creature appears in the space you targeted. If there is not enough room to accommodate that creature, the spell automatically fails.
  The conjured creature immediately performs one action of your choice from its statblock and gets to move up to its speed, and then disintegrates into dust. If the creature was a spellcaster, it has access to all of the spells it had in life, however any lingering magical effects that resulted from that creature's action disappear when the creature does. A conjured creature has replicas of any non-magical equipment it had when it died and may use them as if they were the originals.
  A creature's heart may be harvested with a DC 10 harvesting check unless otherwise stated in its harvesting table.
  Classes: Warlock, Wizard Subclasses: Harvester Cleric, Legacy Paladin Note: Both the Fighter (Eldritch Knight) and the Rogue (Arcane Trickster) spell lists include all Wizard spells. Spells of 5th level or higher may be cast with the aid of a spell scroll or similar. Source: HHHVII, page 69