Byeshk Material in Dierde | World Anvil


Byeshk is a rare, hard and dense Metal with a purple sheen. Weapons made of byeshk are capable of inflicting great injuries on daelkyr and their creations. Large, but difficult to mine, veins of the material can be found in a few mountains.   This rare Metal is prized by smiths for use in jewelry and weapons. It has a lustrous purple sheen and is hard and dense. A bludgeoning weapon whose head is made of byeshk has a +1 enhancement bonus on damage rolls. (This bonus does not stack with an enhancement bonus provided by magic.)   In addition, byeshk weapons of any type are able to overcome the damage reduction of daelkyr, which are resistant to all other weapons. The market price modifier of a byeshk weapon is +1,500 gp. Byeshk is difficult to work into armor, and it offers no significant advantage over iron armor.   Byeshk has hardness 17 and 35 hit points per inch of thickness. An item made of byeshk weighs 50% more than the same item made of iron. Byeshk is difficult to work, increasing the DC of Craft checks to create or repair an item made from it.   Monks with the Protection from Tainted Creatures enhancement can bypass byeshk damage reduction with unarmed attacks.


  Extremely rare Metal   Mechanic: Byeshk weapons are not magical, but can be enchanted. It is rare and difficult to work with though. Overcomes DR of Daelkyr.   Often Found: Mountains edged by vast grass plains.