Black Dragon Species in Dice Tower Theatre Podcast | World Anvil

Black Dragon

The dragon was everything Zorin had seen in a nightmare. Its twin horns pointed forward and down its skeletal snout. Green smoking acid dripped from its maw as it drooled looking at the people running from it in the square.
~S1E3 - A Dark Reunion
    Black Dragons generally prefer the Swamps of the Dead Lands and some lost ruins within more warm or tropical regions. This doesn't mean they don't exist anywhere else but this is what they prefer due to the high volumes of water they consume to combat the dripping caustic bile of their natural breath weapon.   Famous members are Ebon the partner and mount of Squib the Crusher in Lord Pallus' Dark Army

Basic Information


Their horns curve from the back of their head forward along the the sides protecting their fragile looking rotted skeletal face from damage. They can grow to 40 ft long. Their Wingspan however is smaller at only 3/4 of the length of their body designed for hovering and maneuvering within the dense jungles. They are unable to travel long distances without resting frequently.
Their humanoid form resembles that of an Orc.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Black Dragons have integrated heavily with Orc and other people based societies in the lands of Trull   and Dead Lands

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Belived to be native to the Dead Lands but can be found anywhere Orc can be found.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Beauty Ideals

Unlike other chromatic dragons they don't mind taking on a humanoid form and coexisting with the people different regions. Preferring it in many cases to their wyrm form due to the bulkiness and the constant flow of caustic acid. When around other chromatic dragons such as in Lord Pallus' Dark Army they will overcompensate in many cases and rarely if ever show their humanoid form.


The black dragons hold the tradition that they are the chosen champions of the god of death.
Average Height
25 ft on all 4 legs.
Average Length
40 ft long with a 30 ft wingspan
Average Physique
Slender and snakelike but powerfully built and wiry.  Dexterous and quick reflexes.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Deep jet back with blue, green or purple shimmering wet iridescence to it.  like an oil slick.  Their underbelly can range from crimson to pale yellow
Related Ethnicities


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