Nishlings Species in Dharta Star Fantasy | World Anvil
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Nishlings are a species mainly in the Nostrovo-Pact worlds, having spread from the continent of Urala. Popular legend even claims that Nishlings were among the first humanoids to the Nostrovo Nebula, though their homeworld is in the Polgara system. Their small stature and tendency to wander make Nishlings more widespread across the stars and often many Nishlings are lifetime spacers with large populations living on space stations or large fleets of space hulks.   Gifted with quick reflexes, charming confidence, and an apparent lack of fear, Nishlings are known across the space as athletes, celebrities, and explorers. Of course, this dramatic public image hardly defines the species as a whole. While most Nishlings experience a period of daredevil bravado in early adulthood, most settle out of it again just as quickly to become happy and loving homebodies, content with a hard day’s work and an evening spent with friends. Boasting a wide variety of eye, hair, and skin colors mirroring the human range, Nishlings usually have slight builds and large hands and feet.   While not mistrustful of technology in general, many Nishlings look askance at cybernetic implants and biotech augmentations, feeling that natural Nishlings physiology is pretty much perfect as it is. They don’t look down on those who use such items, but it’s rarer than average to see a Nishling with dermal plating or retinal reflectors. A Nishlings that accidentally loses a limb might consent to having a cybernetic replacement attached, but most Nishlings would spend the extra credits to make that prosthetic look as much like the lost limb as possible.   Most Nishlings follow a version of the Asuryana faith, with many preacher chaplins holding large outdoor gatherings and celebrations and some have described some Nishlings as exceptionally superstitutious.
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