Ziaba Organization in Deus Irae: Falling Night | World Anvil


The empire of Ziaba is an ailing tiger, but even an ailing tiger can pounce and kill until its final moment. It is not dead yet, and perhaps its next kill will revitalize it.
  There was a prevailing thought, three centuries ago, that the strength of Ziaba was found only in its sizable wealth. The Rajanha was fat and lazy and didn't know the first thing about warfare or modern weapons, while his generals were the same or inexperienced. And its neighbors conspired against it. Historians would argue that it wasn't simple greed that propelled them forward, nor the usual contests of nations, but as revenge for the many slights and insults, they had been dealt by Ziaba over time. Who can say what the truth is, if either?
  Whatever the case, the nations found out just how wrong they were. They were met on all fronts by armies determined to stand and fight. And fight they did.
  A four-month campaign was all that was managed before the offenders became defenders. The components of the alliance splintering apart as they all fled back home, leaving each other to fend for themselves. Several of the invading nations didn't survive the reversal, joining the territory of Ziaba. 
  Those days have passed, however, and what those nations said before would be correct now, and the grip on their nations is slowly slipping.
  The gods of the nation tend towards revelry and things like the hearth and home.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy

Articles under Ziaba


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