Red Nose Reindeers Species in Detourverse | World Anvil
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Red Nose Reindeers

Basic Information


They are pretty much the same as a normal hybrid Reindeer with the only difference of them having a red nose.

Genetics and Reproduction

They can only reproduce with other Red Nose Reindeers and are one of the few hybrid species that are not able to be reproduced with any artificial method.

Growth Rate & Stages

Their antlers start growing around the age of ten and all of their specific abilities can be unlocked at any time depending on the person, it might be as early as around one or two years old or even at their mid 40´s.

Ecology and Habitats

Even though they can live in any area, they tend to be drawn to cold weathers.

Biological Cycle

Their antlers fall and grow up at the end and beginning of every season regardless if the place they are has seasons or not. During spring their antlers will sometimes give birth to small colorful flowers, they stay normal during summer, turn to an orange color during autumn and go back to their original color by winter, in this season, their fur also begins to produce a light yellow and red dust that can produce light on its own.

Additional Information


They belong to the kind of Hybrids that can be tamed and trained, they are also raised to wear collars from early childhood, mostly with jingle bells as tags, some people who are lucky enough to be able to domesticate or be friends with one, tend to use them as means of transportation.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their energy can be channelized and exploited making use of any kind of bronze equipment, much like werewolves with silver but unlike those, exposure to bronze does not harm them in any way and do not drain their energy or leave them defenseless. On this basis, some sledges and small vehicles have been created where with the help of a special bronze harness, a Red Nose Reindeer is able to lift and move the whole vehicle with little to no extra effort at all.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mainly snowy areas, high mountains and rain forests.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They all have the ability to fly via the use of a telekinetic force they can only use on themselves, they also have the ability of sensing and altering the emotions of others as they will and while they do not have telepathy, they can tap into some minds and predict to a certain degree the actions of those around them.   But even then, they first need to learn how to unleash this abilities and train them even further, some might never unlock them and can pass away without having even used flight once in their lives.   Every time they use any of their abilities, their nose shines in an intense red color.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Rubrum Tarandro Homo Hybrid
Normal Reindeer DNA mixed with Aura Magic.
Biologically speaking, around 60 years, but due their high demand on black markets, around 25 years.
Conservation Status
The species is near extinction, with only about 500 members of the species alive.
Average Height
They are usually around 73 inches/1,85 M high with their antlers having an average height of them about 12 inches/30 Cm

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