Micro Dragon. Species in Detourverse | World Anvil
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Micro Dragon.

Basic Information


Mainly bipeds with muscular bodies, head resembles a reptile like species, each of their wings are a bit larger than them, the posses huge feet and some even have horns on their head.   While they are mainly bipeds, Dragons are able to walk in all fours and some of them are actually forced to do so if their tail, wings and back have a weight they are not able to stand for a long time while standing in two legs.

Genetics and Reproduction

They can only reproduce naturally.

Growth Rate & Stages

Their are born with small wings which are useless until they are about seven or eight years old, as it is only at this age that they are big enough for them to be used for flying. They develop the ability of exhaling fire around five teen years old.

Ecology and Habitats

They do not prefer any specific weather, they all can adapt and thrive in every kind of terrain pretty easily.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They need a lot of energy to sustain themselves, as such, they need a lot of protein, a diet rich in nutrients. And as kind of an instinct, they all seem to have the urge to accumulate something in specific, they might not be greedy by nature but they do tend to have an impulse to collect any kind of material item, they tend to have hoarding disorder but unlike others who also have this disorder, they like to keep their things in a secret place and out of sight of everyone, meaning that they will normally keep their houses clean and clear and even organize and keep in good condition everything they hoard.

Additional Information

Social Structure

There is an organization called "Dragon´s guild" That controls the couple relationships Dragons have with other hybrids, as they cannot reproduce via machine, they have to keep impairing with their own species if they want to keep themselves alive, this organization was born when some of them realized other species like the Griffins and the Red Nose Reindeers where in their way to extinction for not maintaining a control on who they impair themselves with given the fact that they cannot reproduce artificially like the common hybrids do.   What the guild does, however, is making sure that if a Dragon has impaired themselves with another species, they will be asked to reproduce with one of their own and decide which one of them will take care of the resulting child, if they refuse or neither wants to keep the child, the guild will punish them by cutting their wings off and leaving them alone, if they agree, they are left alone either way but they will have to give a report on the child´s well being twice a year until their 18th birthday, failing to report or being discovered not taking care of their child appropriately will result in a penalty depending on the cause, it can either go from a small fine in case of not reporting in time or having their wings cut off and the child being taken away to be raised by the guilt.   This organization also punishes every Dragon that uses their fire breath or corrosive saliva to harm other person by cutting their wings off on top of the regular punishment they will get by the normal law enforcement.   If they already have had their wings cut and still make another infraction that would make them receive this punishment, they will be executed.   Even though no nation approves the kind of punishment Dragons receive from the guild, specially since a minor can also be affected the same way an adult would, they all have an agreement with them that allows them to do all of the things listed above with them to ensure their species survival.   There are some areas in Scuila where the government themselves protect Dragons from being harassed or penalized by the guild and there is even a campaign for the organization to be banned in the whole country, given that the majority of its current leaders are Dragons and that most of them are concentrated within its territory.   The organization itself posses a private army of androids designed to hunt, apprehend and track Dragons, which they use if they need to.   Some other countries are also beginning to debate the possibility of banning this organization.


Oddly enough, they enter the category of Hybrids than can be tamed and domesticated.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Like Griffins, they are big and strong enough to carry and fly a person with either their arms or legs.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can thrive in any kind of environment but most of them inhabit the country of Scuila, this country has even get to be known as "Dragon Country" Due to the high amount of them living there compared to other countries.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their thick skin and muscular body allows them to endure huge amounts of damage before getting hurt, they can also breath fire and some can spit corrosive saliva capable of disintegrating a concrete wall.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Parva Draco Homo Hybrid.
Attempt at creating a Hybrid resembling a mythological creature back during the human era.
90 years
Conservation Status
Even though they can only reproduce naturally and not via a machine, unlike Griffins or Red Nose Reindeers, they are not endangered.
Average Height
98 Inches / 2.5 Meters
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They can get to be of any kind of color, it depends on which color their parents are, for example, a red and blue dragon can have a purple or pink child or they can even be born red or blue too, their colors do not tend to mix up more than two generations though, for example, if a purple dragon born from red and blue parents has a child with an orange dragon born from red and yellow parents, their child has more chances of being either yellow, blue or red than orange or purple and will have zero chance of being born with the color resulting from the orange and purple mix. There also some rare cases where white or black dragons are born, they do not however, can give birth to a gray dragon as they cannot mix their color with that of other person, if there is a white-white, white-black or black-black combination the resulting mix will have a random color, if there is a white/black-any other color, they will be born as the color of their other parent instead of being black or white, there have been exactly ten cases in all recorded history where a black/white dragon has give birth to another black/white dragon.

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