Griffins Species in Detourverse | World Anvil
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Basic Information


They are bipeds that posses the torso, tail and head of an eagle and the legs and paws of a lion, they also have a huge set of wings they can fly with attached to their back.

Genetics and Reproduction

Just like Red Nose Reindeers and Dragons, they cannot be reproduced by an artificial breeding machine, they can only reproduce naturally.

Growth Rate & Stages

They usually learn to fly around their fifth or sixth birthday and start controlling their telepathy around the age of five teen.

Ecology and Habitats

They are normally attracted to rain forests, valleys, plateaus and mountains.

Additional Information


Unlike other Hybrids, Griffins cannot be tamed.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Aside from their eggs having a high demand, they can carry and fly someone by holding them with their legs.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

About 4000 of them live grouped up in the Avora region of Liyunem, the others ones do not locate in a specific location.

Average Intelligence

Even though they do not have an average intelligence, a child or a teenager can begin to telepathically gather information from everyone around them and even if they do not learn adequately something they obtained, they will sometimes still have it in their memory until the time they can comprehend it.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While they cannot use Druid Magic, they do posses a weak psychic passive power that allows them to sometimes manipulate other people´s minds, they can train this psychic power to alter odds at their own will, use others for their own propose and access their memories if they wish so, only problem is that their psychic power is actually a bit weak and not always effective.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Fabulosa Aquila Homo Hybrid
About one thousand years ago, a powerful Druid created this species as result of a genetic experiment that involved Druid Magic, a few were created before their creator died.
60 Years, but given they are considered a exotic species and their eggs are worth a lot of money, their life expectancy is endangered by others who want to profit from them.
Conservation Status
They are close to extinction, only about 5000 Griphs still exist and about 4000 of them live grouped up in the Avora region of Liyunem.
Average Height
91 Inches / 2,3 Meters

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