Blue Energy Spell in Detourverse | World Anvil
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Blue Energy


Enhances and allows its users to power up and be able to use space type spells without the need of using general energy to sustain them.   Space spells include but are not limited to: Teleportation of living beings, Teleportation of inanimate objects, space erasure, disintegration, size alteration, mass alteration, traveling between dimensions/parallel universes, among others.

Side/Secondary Effects

Using Blue Energy can make the user feel thirsty and produce huge amounts of adrenaline, which might cause a downfall afterwards.   Aside from that, other side effects depend on the spell used and not the Blue Energy itself.


If materialized as a translucent pearl, it will be Cyan to Royal Blue, depending on how much energy it has stored, It makes the user produce an Royal Blue colored aura around their own bodies during the use of the space spells.


Blue Energy is produced after combining 34% of General energy of any Common Hybrid 33% of Pink Energy and 33% of Red Energy


Sorcerers discovered it after attempting to mix various types of energy.
Material Components
Applied Restriction
Much like the Yellow Energy, Blue Energy itself does not have any kind of restrictions, although generally speaking, Blue spells are also really difficult to use, a sorcerer would require at least twice the training time for them than for any other kind of spell.   That aside, Space spells in general are strictly regulated and only entrusted to specific people, they are not common knowledge despite everyone knowing they exist.

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