Wavehide Material in Dessend | World Anvil
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Wavehide, created from the skins of water elemental creatures, has elemental qualities that make it ideal for particular purposes . These unique properties have resulted in the development of many kinds of Wavehide, each with key advantages depending on how it is processed.   One of Wavehide's distinguishing properties is its natural capacity to retain moisture. This property makes it an excellent material for lining containers meant to retain the freshness or moisture of their contents. In its natural state, Wavehide excels at preventing materials from drying out and keeping them in good condition.   It's worth noting that, like other elemental hides, Wavehide's elemental qualities degrade throughout the tanning process. As a result, Wavehide is utilized raw, cured, or half-tanned to preserve its elemental qualities.   Wavehide, in its different forms, is vital for maintaining and safeguarding moisture-sensitive items. This material's unique characteristics give it a significant edge in preserving product quality, especially in places where dry weather or changes in humidity must be addressed.

The Chronicler's Insights

Wavehide, a truly fascinating material, emerges through the painstaking process of curing the skin of water-elemental creatures. What sets this substance apart is its innate water elemental nature, rendering it perpetually resistant to drying—a characteristic that both complicates and enriches its production. The end result? Containers that excel in preserving their contents, maintaining an ideal level of moisture.   Yet, in the fervor to celebrate wavehide's unique properties, there exists a carefully veiled aspect of its creation: its source. Among the vast array of water-elemental creatures, only a scant few possess flesh. This leaves us with a rather disquieting question: where does the raw material come from? The unsettling truth is that it originates from water fey and aquatic dragons—these intelligent races are the only water-elemental creatures whose skin proves suitable for the meticulous process of wavehide production.


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