Terrakin Species in Dessend | World Anvil
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Terrakin are mortals who carry the bloodline of earth elementals.

Basic Information


Terrakin vary in appearance, but are shaped by the earth that gave them life. Despite this, Terrakin are still creatures of skin and sinew, possessing a range of physical characteristics that typically manifest in an earthy skin tone that ranges in color from white sardonyx to black obsidian.   While all Terrakin appear vaguely earthen, some bear more pronounced signs of their elemental heritage, such as skin that shines like polished marble, rocky outcroppings protruding from their flesh, glowing gemstones for eyes, or hair that resembles crystalline spikes. Human folklore sometimes depicts Terrakins as lumbering hulks carved from the very stone of the earth, but this stereotype fails to portray the Terrakin's capacity for beauty and refinement. They tend to favor earthy tones in their clothing, opting for practical garments that facilitate vigorous physical activity. Their jewelry tends to feature natural accents, such as fresh flowers and simple gems, rather than intricate, manufactured designs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like other immortal-blooded races, a Terrakin retains the genetic characteristics of its original race when it reproduces. For example, if a Terrakin was originally an elf and mates with a human, their offspring will be half-elves. There is no evidence that Terrakins have a higher chance of producing Terrakin offspring themselves.

Ecology and Habitats

The desired environment for the Terrakin race is mountainous regions, as they are often characterized as guardians of their mountain territories. They thrive in rocky terrain where they can be close to the earth, and their quiet and contemplative nature is best suited to a quieter, more isolated environment where they can focus on their studies and pursue their personal goals in peace. However, Terrakin individuals can adapt to other environments and may choose to venture beyond the mountains in search of adventure or knowledge.


Terrakin individuals are often characterized by their calm and contemplative nature, which can be attributed to their elemental blood. While they may experience moments of emotional turmoil, Terrakins are generally known for their thoughtfulness and determination. They devote themselves wholeheartedly to their studies, often preferring to work in solitude and shying away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Even those Terrans raised in bustling cities tend to seek the tranquility of libraries and academic environments. Some may eventually venture beyond the safety of the city in search of knowledge, tranquility, or other personal goals.   Terrakin individuals usually have little trouble finding employment or a role within their community, should they desire one. Due to their impressive size and strength, many Terrakin are well-suited for careers in local law enforcement or as bodyguards and mercenaries for hire. Others demonstrate exceptional skills in trade and agriculture, while some pursue scholarly endeavors such as accounting. Despite their preference for peaceful pursuits, many young Terrakin feel a desire to explore and experience the world around them, often motivating them to embark on adventurous journeys.   Terrakin individuals are typically motivated by specific goals and objectives when embarking on adventurous journeys, rather than seeking danger for its own sake or to relieve boredom. They may be driven to action in response to threats to their homeland or injustices against their allies. While Terrakin warriors are often sought out as hired muscle, they are more likely to join adventuring groups based on personal relationships rather than political affiliation, and may even choose to forgo payment if the cause aligns with their own values.   Terrakin are well-suited for certain roles in adventuring parties, including faithful clerics and disciplined monks. Terrakin rangers and druids are often tasked with serving as guardians of their mountain domains. However, due to their slower movement speed, terrakin may not excel in roles that require agility, and terrakin rogues tend to be meticulous and calculated in their actions, as a single misstep could prove disastrous for their mission.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The bloodline of earth elementals has spread wide and thin over the entire planet. Terrakin transformations are rare, but can occur anywhere.
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