Stormhide Material in Dessend | World Anvil
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Stormhide is a unique material made from the skins of lightning-elemental beasts. The inherent force of the lightning element permeates these materials, imparting extraordinary qualities that make them extremely useful and flexible in a wide range of applications.   One of Stormhide's most distinguishing characteristics is its magnetic nature, which is comparable to lodestones and magnetism spells. When iron or steel items come into contact with Stormhide, they are irresistibly pulled to it and exhibit a strong magnetic attraction.   Furthermore, when brought into contact with other Stormhide pieces, it shows noteworthy behavior. This interaction is dependent on the alignment of the flesh side and the grain side of the hide. Stormhide pieces, like magnets, will attract or repel each other depending on their orientation. This effect happens when the flesh side of one piece coincides with the grain side of another, creating a magnetic pull. In contrast, if the flesh side of one piece meets the flesh side of another or the grain side of one piece meets the grain side of another, they will repel each other.   Such characteristics are extremely valuable, especially for professions like blacksmiths, cooks, and others who need rapid and easy access to metal equipment. For those individuals, using "stormbars" is customary. These are basic wooden bars coated with Stormhide, which creates a magnetic surface on which they may hang their tools. This design allows for easy recovery and categorization of metal utensils.

The Chronicler's Insights

Stormhide, yet another fascinating specimen among the elemental hides, finds its source in the skins of lightning-elemental creatures, with storm drakes being the primary contributors. Its allure lies in its intriguing properties, which revolve around a mystical force, often referred to by scholars as magnetism. This enigmatic force exhibits a capricious nature, sometimes attracting itself and at other times repelling itself, yet it consistently attracts objects crafted from metal, particularly iron and steel. This unique characteristic has endeared Stormhide to smiths and craftsmen who employ strips of it on their walls to conveniently hang their iron tools.   However, akin to its elemental hide counterparts, transforming Stormhide into Stormleather remains a formidable challenge that has thus far eluded all attempts. Any endeavor to tan the hide into leather has inevitably led to the forfeiture of its magnetic properties. Nonetheless, whispers persist of a lost civilization that had mastered the elusive art of creating Stormleather. The rumor suggests that they achieved this feat by adding fruit juice to the tanning solution. Yet, the tantalizing secret lies shrouded in uncertainty, as the exact fruit used has been lost to time. With numerous possibilities and the preciousness of Stormhide at stake, few are willing to gamble their prized materials in pursuit of this forgotten knowledge.


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