Quakehide Material in Dessend | World Anvil
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Quakehide, also known as Stonehide, is derived from the skins of earth-elemental creatures. It possesses elemental properties that make it a formidable and challenging material to work with. Its primary characteristic is its exceptional strength, like that of stone. This gives it remarkable resilience but also makes it difficult to harvest and manipulate.   Working with Quakehide can be a formidable task due to its robust and stone-like qualities. Sections of Quakehide, especially in their natural state, behave more like solid slabs of stone than flexible sheets of hide. This inherent hardness and rigidity can make the initial harvesting and shaping of Quakehide a labor-intensive process.   Yet, certain treatments and techniques have been developed to temporarily render Quakehide more pliable. These methods allow craftsmen and artisans to shape and mold the material into desired forms. Once the shaping process is complete, Quakehide gradually returns to its natural hardness.   Quakehide's resilience and stone-like properties have led to its use in various applications where durability and strength are paramount. It finds use in protective armor, sculpting, and architectural elements that need the robustness of stone but benefit from the malleability of a hide-based material.   The elemental properties of Quakehide are harnessed through ingenuity and skill, allowing craftsmen to use its unique properties for both practical and artistic purposes.


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